The National Development and Reform Commission said it was ready to release the first batch of ultra long term special treasury bonds

2024-05-22 07:18 Source: China Securities Journal

Li Chao, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference on May 21 that he had made preparations for the release of the first batch of ultra long term special national debt projects, sorted out a batch of major projects that meet the "dual" construction requirements and can be immediately released for investment, and the construction can be accelerated after the national debt funds are in place.

Li Chao introduced that from January to April, the National Development and Reform Commission approved 50 fixed asset investment projects with a total investment of 320.7 billion yuan, mainly in high-tech, water conservancy and other industries; Among them, 20 fixed asset investment projects were approved in April, with a total investment of 115.2 billion yuan.

Establish "soft construction" task list

With regard to the progress of the implementation of investment projects such as ultra long term special treasury bonds, Li Chao said that since this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and local authorities, has promoted the preparations for the "dual" construction of ultra long term special treasury bonds.

Li Chao said that, specifically, the first is to make a good project reserve. Since February, the National Development and Reform Commission has organized various local and relevant departments to sort out and reserve ultra long term special treasury bond projects that can be started this year.

Second, detailed tasks and measures. Organize and hold a video conference of the national development and reform system, and assign all regions to further refine and implement the key tasks of "dual" construction. At the same time, we will work with relevant departments to study and clarify the detailed requirements of "hard investment" projects and the specific measures of "soft construction". "soft construction" refers to the system construction promoted to ensure the construction of investment projects, and formulate and issue relevant special plans and implementation plans as required.

Third, prepare for the release of the first batch of projects. In accordance with the requirements of the recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the early issuance and good use of ultra long term special treasury bonds, and the work deployment of the mobilization video conference held by the State Council to support the "dual" construction deployment, on the basis of the early work, we sorted out a number of major projects that meet the "dual" construction requirements and can be immediately released for investment, and we can accelerate the construction after the treasury bond funds are in place.

"Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will do a good job in organizing the implementation of 'hard investment' projects. It will speed up the selection of projects and the issuance of plans. It will strengthen the overall planning of project construction funds, make good use of national debt funds, investment within the central budget, special bonds of local governments, local government investment and other construction funds, and actively guide the participation of social capital." Li Chao said, accelerating "soft construction" Policies were introduced and implemented. We will work with relevant parties to establish a "soft construction" task list, accelerate the introduction and implementation of relevant policies and measures, resolve deep-seated contradictions with reform methods and innovative ideas, and give better play to the superposition effect of policies.

The project of issuing additional treasury bonds went smoothly on the whole

Last year, China issued an additional 1 trillion yuan of national debt to support post disaster recovery and reconstruction in North China, with Beijing Tianjin Hebei as the focus, and to improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities. "Relevant funds have been released to all places before February this year," Li Chao said.

Li Chao said that the overall progress of additional treasury bond issuance projects is smooth, and all regions are working hard to promote the commencement of projects. Up to now, of the 15000 projects that have been launched, about 11000 have been launched, with an operating rate of more than 70%. In particular, the overall progress of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects is relatively fast, and the project commencement rate in 8 provinces and cities, including North China, with Beijing Tianjin Hebei as the focus, has reached about 80%.

"A number of education, hospital, road, water supply and other projects closely related to people's well-being have been basically completed and can be put into use before the flood season. A number of key water conservancy projects to improve the ability to prevent and reduce disasters have been started in succession, and other projects are progressing in an orderly manner according to the plan." Li Chao said.

As for how to ensure the full play of the benefits of national debt funds, Li Chao revealed that the National Development and Reform Commission has made a series of arrangements in the whole chain from the release of funds, project promotion and process supervision, and organized local governments to carry out self-examination of projects. On this basis, this year, three batches of projects in 31 provinces will carry out full chain and full cycle on-site supervision. As of the first ten days of April, the first batch of on-site supervision has been completed in 12 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin, to help local governments solve difficulties and accelerate the implementation of projects.

The manufacturing industry maintains the trend of recovery and development

As for the development trend of the manufacturing industry, Li Chao believes that favorable conditions are accumulating to promote the sustainable recovery and development of the manufacturing industry. In general, China's manufacturing industry will continue to maintain the trend of recovery and development and structural optimization.

"Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will continue to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, speed up the cultivation of new quality productivity, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing development." Li Chao said that in terms of expanding effective investment, the implementation of ultra long term special national debt to support the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, Accelerate the release of investment within the central budget and the issuance and use of special bonds of local governments. In terms of promoting domestic consumption, we will accelerate the implementation of the employment priority policy, do everything possible to stabilize employment, promote income growth, and improve residents' consumption capacity. We will accelerate the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones, expand the consumption of cars, household appliances, mobile phones and other goods and services such as culture and tourism, and intensify efforts to foster new growth points such as new consumption scenarios and new business types. At the same time, we should accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Accelerate the promotion of large-scale equipment upgrading, deeply implement the action plan for improving the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, guide enterprises to apply advanced and applicable technologies for transformation and upgrading, and constantly improve the high-end, intelligent and green level of the manufacturing industry.

Turning to the promotion of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, Li Chao said that with the joint efforts of all parties, the demand for equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in is continuing to release. Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will pay close attention to the establishment of the working mechanism for equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, work with relevant departments to continuously improve and promote the implementation of the "1+N" policy system, give full play to the role of the business entity, guide the whole society, including private enterprises, to invest together, and more comprehensively and deeply participate in all aspects of equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in.

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(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)