The first batch of ultra long term special national debt projects have been "in place" National Development and Reform Commission: the construction can be accelerated once the national debt funds are in place

2024-05-22 07:12 Source: Securities Daily

Our reporter Du Yumeng

"Since this year, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and local governments, has promoted the preparations for ultra long term special national debt to support" dual "construction from three aspects: making good project reserves, refining tasks and measures, and making good preparations for the release of the first batch of projects." On May 21, the Deputy Director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission Li Chao, the spokesman, said at the press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission in May that, in terms of preparing for the release of the first batch of projects, the National Development and Reform Commission, in accordance with the requirements of the recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the early issuance and good use of ultra long term special national debt, and the work deployment of the video conference held by the State Council to support the "dual" construction deployment mobilization, On the basis of the work carried out in the early stage, we sorted out a number of major projects that meet the requirements of "dual" construction and can be immediately released for investment. After the national debt funds are in place, we can accelerate the construction.

On May 13, the State Council held a mobilization video conference to support the "dual" construction deployment, which pointed out that "we should make overall arrangements for key tasks this year and the next few years. This year, we should do a good job in scientific project screening according to the strategic importance, urgency and project maturity, and strive to start early and achieve early results." "We should better coordinate government investment and private investment, and make greater efforts to guide private capital to participate in the" dual "construction, so as to fully stimulate the vitality of private investment".

Li Chao said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will take the lead in organizing and implementing the key tasks of the "dual" construction together with relevant parties.

First, we should play a leading role. Work with relevant departments and local governments to make overall plans for project screening, implementation, supervision and evaluation, and implementation of reform tasks. At the same time, we should give full play to the functions of finance, industry management, factor guarantee and other departments, establish an efficient operating mechanism, strengthen coordination and form a joint force.

Second, organize and implement "hard investment" projects. Accelerate project screening and plan release, organize local and relevant central units to submit projects as required, and work with industry management departments to screen projects. Strengthen the overall planning of project construction funds, make good use of national debt funds, central budget investment, local government special bonds, local government investment and other construction funds, and actively guide the participation of social capital. Urge and guide local governments to strengthen preliminary work, ensure land use, environmental impact assessment and other elements by classification, and promote the project to start construction as soon as possible. Strengthen project life cycle management, formulate and issue management measures, and clarify the requirements from project planning and reserve to supervision and inspection.

Third, accelerate the implementation of the "soft construction" policy. We will work with relevant parties to establish a "soft construction" task list, accelerate the introduction and implementation of relevant policies and measures, resolve deep-seated contradictions with reform methods and innovative ideas, and give better play to the superposition effect of policies.

Fourth, strengthen the tracking and evaluation of implementation effect. For the "hard investment" task, we will work with relevant departments to regularly schedule project progress, organize on-site supervision and promote the implementation of high-quality project construction based on the promotion mechanism of major project construction. For the task of "soft construction", establish a supervision and implementation mechanism to promote the effectiveness of various supporting policies and reform measures.

With regard to the promotion of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, Li Chao said that since the introduction of the large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in policy, the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have carried out a lot of work in formulating and implementing relevant action plans and policy measures, Increase the support of central investment for equipment renewal and recycling projects, clarify the subsidy policy of replacing old cars with new ones, and set up 500 billion yuan of scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation loans; At the same time, local governments were urged to take immediate action. 27 provinces and cities, including Beijing, issued implementation plans, and introduced support policies such as discount interest on manufacturing loans, subsidies for trade in, and consumer vouchers according to local conditions. With the joint efforts of all parties, the demand for equipment renewal and trade in of consumer goods is continuing to release.

In order to further large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, the National Development and Reform Commission held two private enterprise symposiums in April, listened to the opinions and suggestions of 11 private enterprises on this work, and encouraged relevant production enterprises and platform enterprises to play an active role.

Li Chao said that according to incomplete statistics from relevant parties, some household appliance enterprises and automobile enterprises have announced the subsidy plan for trade in of old products exceeding 15 billion yuan; A number of e-commerce platforms have cooperated with production enterprises to invest more than 10 billion yuan in the promotion of trade in. With the continuous implementation of relevant policies, more and more private enterprises are participating in this work, so that more advanced equipment and high-quality durable consumer goods can enter social production and residents' lives.

Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will pay close attention to the establishment of the working mechanism for equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, work with relevant departments to continuously improve and promote the implementation of the "1+N" policy system, give full play to the role of the business entity, guide the whole society, including private enterprises, to invest together, and more comprehensively and deeply participate in all aspects of equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in.

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(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)