More than 70% of the public offering funds have a floating profit of 87 new products within the year, and nearly 250 billion yuan is proposed to be raised

2024-05-20 06:52 Source: Securities Daily

Our reporter Wang Ning

Since this year, the style of A-share market has changed, and the earning effect has continued to appear.

Wind information data shows that, as of May 19, 8824 of the more than 10000 mutual funds in the whole market had achieved floating profits during the year, accounting for 74.24% of the whole market. Among them, the floating profit of 152 products exceeded 20%, the floating profit of 6 products exceeded 30%, and the highest floating profit was close to 41%.

Specifically, Huaxia CSI Shanghai Shenzhen Hong Kong Gold Industry Stock ETF, Yongying CSI Shanghai Shenzhen Hong Kong Gold Industry Stock ETF and its link A rank top, with a floating profit of 40.78%, 32.28% and 31.59% respectively. At the same time, the annual holding period of Southern Development Opportunity A, Jingshun Great Wall Cycle Optimization A and Bosera Growth Selection A also exceeded 30%.

The layout of public funds is the focus of the market. According to the data, from the performance of the most profitable fund in the year, manufacturing and mining are important positions. Take the highest floating profit Huaxia CSI Shanghai Shenzhen Hong Kong gold industry stock ETF as an example. The first quarterly report of the fund shows that in asset allocation, the capital to net worth ratio of mining and manufacturing is 60.42% and 15.32% respectively, followed by materials, wholesale and retail industries; In addition, Southern Development Opportunity's one-year holding period A also regards the above two fields as important allocation assets. The fund's first quarterly report shows that the net asset value ratio of manufacturing and mining industries is 53.79% and 15.77% respectively. The top ten heavy positions include Jiuli Special Materials, Zijin Mining, CNOOC, Satellite Chemistry, Yunnan Aluminum and other stocks.

The first quarterly report A of the one-year holding period of Southern Development Opportunities indicates that the domestic economy has entered the seasonal recovery period after the Spring Festival, such as the export and consumption data have improved; Among them, consumption shows more positive signals. During the reporting period, it maintained a high equity position, and based on the above judgment, it began to structurally shift its position to upstream resources; The global manufacturing restructuring has formed a long-term support for the demand for copper and other resource goods in the upstream bulk resources.

On the one hand, it is the embodiment of the fund's earning power, and on the other hand, it is the manifestation of the gold absorption effect. The data shows that the distribution of public funds is accelerating in an orderly manner during the year. According to the date of establishment of new funds, the number of new products established in the year reached 448, although only a drop from 496 in the first five months of last year, the incremental funds provided for the market were far higher than the same period of last year; As of May 19, public funds brought more than 420 billion yuan of incremental capital to the market during the year, compared with 404.8 billion yuan in the same period last year.

At the same time, the data shows that there are 87 new funds currently in the issuing stage, and it is expected to raise nearly 250 billion yuan in total; Among them, 20 products are in the top level of fundraising, and the fundraising goal is 8 billion yuan.

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(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)