The bank is preparing for the issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds

2024-05-16 07:15 Source: Securities Daily

Our reporter Peng Yan

Ultra long term special treasury bonds will be issued soon. On May 13, the Ministry of Finance announced the notice on arrangements for the issuance of 2024 general treasury bonds and ultra long term special treasury bonds.

From the perspective of the issuance arrangement of the ultra long term special treasury bonds, the terms of the ultra long term special treasury bonds include 20 years, 30 years and 50 years, all of which pay interest half a year. From the first release on May 17 to the completion of the release in mid November, a total of 22 times were issued, mainly in the third quarter. This super long term special national debt will focus on the key tasks of accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promoting regional coordinated development.

Talking about the impact of this issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds, Feng Lin, director of the Research and Development Department of Oriental Jincheng, told the Securities Daily that the ultra long term special treasury bonds issued this time are used for the implementation of major national strategies and the construction of security capacity in key areas, which can play a role in stimulating investment and stabilizing the economy in the short term, In the medium and long term, it will help promote the dynamic balance and positive interaction between development and security, and consolidate the foundation for long-term high-quality development.

How about the preparation work of each bank at present? On May 15, the reporter of Securities Daily visited several banks in Beijing and learned that the sales notice of super long term special treasury bonds has been received, and a number of related preparatory work has been carried out, but the relevant details such as the minimum purchase amount, coupon rate and issuance target still need to be further notified by the relevant departments.

The reporter of Securities Daily learned from some banks that, in terms of the preparation for the sale of ultra long term special treasury bonds, they are currently carrying out the publicity and promotion of ultra long term special treasury bonds through multiple channels and forms, online through WeChat groups and circles of friends, offline through posting posters and banners.

The reporter saw in a branch of a commercial bank that there was a propaganda notice of "purchasing super long term special treasury bonds" posted in the branch. The financial manager of the outlet told the reporter that in order to cooperate with the relevant services, according to the requirements of the superior branch, the bank needs to investigate and understand the purchase intention and demand of customers before the initial issue of ultra long term special treasury bonds, including the summary of personal subscription amount, investment period and other relevant information. In addition, the coupon rate and the issuing target are expected to be announced in the next two days.

The staff of some banks also said that whether individual investors can participate in the subscription depends on the issuing objects of specific bond batches.

The financial manager of the above outlets said that at present, national debt has been favored by investors. The super long term special treasury bonds have the characteristics of low risk and higher yield compared with the medium and short term treasury bonds. They are good investment products.

The issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds may provide more diversified investment options for bank financing and investors. Du Yang, a researcher of the Bank of China Research Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that for investors seeking long-term investment opportunities, investing in ultra long term special treasury bonds can not only obtain stable returns, but also effectively diversify investment risks. At the same time, ultra long term special treasury bonds will be invested in key areas and weak links such as scientific and technological innovation, green transformation, and digital economy, and expand the channels for asset management institutions such as bank financing to support the development of the real economy.

Tian Lihui, president of the Financial Development Research Institute of Nankai University, told the Securities Daily that the issuance of ultra long term special treasury bonds would affect the asset allocation of bank financial products. Due to its long term and high credit rating, special treasury bonds may become an important part of asset allocation of bank financial products, providing a relatively stable source of long-term income for financial products.

The financial manager of a joint-stock bank said that before purchasing ultra long term special treasury bonds, it is necessary to fully understand the terms and conditions of issuance of treasury bonds, the interest rate of treasury bonds, early redemption and other provisions, so as to make reasonable investment decisions.

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(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)