Improve the quality and efficiency of financial services for the real economy

2024-05-16 07:09 Source: Economic Daily

Recently, the People's Bank of China released several questionnaires. The report shows that China's overall demand index for loans in the first quarter was 71.6%, up 10.1 percentage points month on month. Among them, the growth rate of small and micro enterprises is higher than that of large and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the "Rural Revitalization - Financial Service Demand Survey Index" released by China Economic Information Service shows that in the first quarter of this year, the financing demand of county enterprises increased by 6.9% compared with the previous quarter. Experts said that the increase of loan demand index indicates that the economy continues to develop well, the production and operation of enterprises continue to improve, and the confidence of market operators has been improved.

Faced with the financing needs of enterprises, more financing docking efforts were made to meet the production needs of enterprises. In Sichuan, Meishan Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. handled 10 emergency refinancing businesses for local manufacturing enterprises this year, totaling 127 million yuan, easing the problem of "financing difficulty" for enterprises. In Shandong, Liaocheng High tech Zone comprehensively uses the guiding funds of industry, education and research to help science and innovation enterprises solve diversified financing needs. "Relying on the government, finance and enterprise docking platform, the company successfully obtained the loan of 5 million yuan for scientific and technological achievements transformation issued by Hengfeng Bank Liaocheng Branch through utility model patents," said Chen Zhengcai, the production manager of Liaocheng Zhengsheng Cable Co., Ltd. In Jiangsu, Nanjing Pukou Development Zone held the "2024 Financial Services at the Grassroots Level" Government Finance Enterprise Investment and Financing Matchmaking Meeting, and financial institutions customized financing plans for enterprises in need on the spot. Shi Lei, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Pukou District, said that he would further work on service guarantee, provide service guarantee for enterprises and financial institutions, and promote the win-win situation of banks and enterprises.

"It is noteworthy that since this year, financial institutions have increased their support for inclusive finance and other fields. The current loan and credit structure has been continuously optimized." Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of China Merchants Association, said that the central bank data showed that at the end of March, inclusive small and micro loans and manufacturing medium and long-term loans increased by 20.3% and 26.5% respectively on a year-on-year basis, and private economy loans increased by 10.7% on a year-on-year basis, Both exceeded the growth rate of all loans.

The Guiding Opinions on the "Five Major Articles" of Banking and Insurance in Finance recently released by the State Financial Supervision and Administration put forward that we should focus on the pain points and difficulties to strengthen inclusive financial services. Banks and insurance institutions should treat all types of enterprises with equity and continue to increase financial support for private, small and micro enterprises and individual businesses. Encourage the development of products and services that meet the needs of small and micro enterprises and individual businesses, and increase the first loan, renewal loan, credit loan, medium and long-term loan. In order to increase the support for individual businesses, Longwan Rural Commercial Bank under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Rural Commercial Union Bank has created an exclusive financing product system for individual businesses, opened a "green channel" for quick loan application, constantly optimized the process, and improved the efficiency of individual businesses in obtaining loans. Up to now, the Bank has 8279 individual business inclusive financial loan accounts, with a credit balance of 8.281 billion yuan.

Dong Ximiao believes that financial institutions should make full use of big data, artificial intelligence and other means to innovate products and services, expand the breadth and depth of financial services to reach "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and break through the difficulties of inclusive finance.

"Scientific and technological progress is an important technical basis for the realization of inclusive finance. Inclusive finance is not only achieved through the expansion of physical outlets or policy guidance, but more importantly, it breaks the limits of traditional financial services by relying on scientific and technological progress, making financial services more popular and convenient. Through the combined application of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, financial institutions can achieve accurate identification of customers' credit status, so as to provide customers with more personalized and accurate financial services. " Wu Xiaoqiu, former vice president of Renmin University of China, said.

While increasing support, financial institutions must also manage and control risks. The head of relevant departments and bureaus of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that bancassurance institutions should conduct business strictly in accordance with the principles of risk control and commercial sustainability, and avoid crowding and excessive credit granting. It is necessary to strengthen compliance review, accurately determine the target and scope of support, and strictly prevent the fraud and arbitrage of financial institutions' funds in the name of "five major articles".

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(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)