Statistics Bureau: the decline of car prices narrowed in April

2024-05-11 11:30 Source: China Economic Network

Beijing, China Economic Network, May 11 (Reporter Guo Yue) Today, the National Bureau of Statistics released the national CPI and PPI data for April 2024.

Dong Lijuan, chief statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained that in April, the consumer demand of residents continued to recover, and the national CPI turned from a month on month decline to an increase, with year-on-year growth expanding. Industrial production continued to recover, the demand of some industries fell back periodically, and the national PPI declined month on month, narrowing the year-on-year decline.

Focusing on the automobile industry, in April, the price of industrial consumer goods excluding energy rose 0.4% year on year, an increase of 0.3 percentage points, of which the price of fuel cars and new energy cars fell 4.8% and 6.5% respectively, both of which declined slightly.

In April, in the equipment manufacturing industry, the prices of gasoline and diesel vehicles and new energy vehicles fell by 0.9% and 0.2% month on month respectively. On a year-on-year basis, in April, the price of the automobile manufacturing industry dropped by 2.0% year on year, and from January to April, it dropped by 1.6% accumulatively.

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)