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Another memoir about Trump will be published soon, revealing the inside story of the Trump family
Wang Han, editor of Beijing News
2024-06-13 16:26
Recently, Fred C. Trump III, nephew of former US President Donald J. Trump, publicly announced that he would publish an updated memoir on the inside of the Trump family on July 30. Previously, Fred had never participated in any discussion on Trump. This new book, published before the 2024 American election, has attracted wide attention.

The documentary Trump: An American Dream (2017).

According to the New York Times and other media reports, Fred C. Trump III, the nephew of Donald J. Trump, the former President of the United States, will publish a new book "Family photo: Trump family and how we got to today" on July 30, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way), Recall his entanglement with the Trump family. The publication of this book is less than a few months away from the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The publisher said that Fred's opportunity to write this book is to point to the election, and implied that "it may affect a country's decision-making".

So far, the publisher has not disclosed the details of the book. The publisher only said that the book was "frank and enlightening", telling "a story never told" by the Trump family, or "illuminating the dark corner of the Trump empire". However, it is not clear to what extent the book is related to former US President Trump. Fred, the author of the book, has never appeared in the public view before, nor has he publicly criticized former US President Trump. During the promotion of the new book, he also refused to be interviewed by the media.

The New York Times said that this memoir will add another layer of color to the Trump family. Fred has attracted the attention of the outside world due to his involvement in the heritage dispute within the Trump family. Fred's father is Donald Trump's brother, Fred Trump Jr. Little Fred suffered from serious alcoholism before his death and died of heart disease in 1981.

The official breakdown of the relationship between Fred and Trump seems to have begun with a will dispute. In 1999, Fred Trump Sr., Fred's grandfather, died. Old Fred removed young Fred and his descendants from the testamentary inheritance list. Soon after, Fred and his sister Mary filed a lawsuit against their will, claiming that they had been cheated of their inheritance by their father's brothers and sisters.

With the rise of legal disputes, Donald J. Trump and his brothers and sisters cut off their financial support for Fred's son William. At that time, William was diagnosed with developmental and intellectual disabilities, as well as serious acute diseases. In his new book, Fred will review in detail how the property struggle threatened his son's health.


The cover of the English version of "Family portrait".

Long before the publication of this book, Fred's sister Mary Trump published her memoir Too Much, Never Enough in 2020, Too Much and Never Enough), He told about the rift between him and the Trump family. But at that time, my brother Fred said in a statement: "My wife, children and I are close to our extended family, and have no participation and interest in writing this book.". Nearly four years later, Fred, who has been keeping a low profile for a long time, suddenly announced his new book plan, which also attracted attention from the outside world.

The publisher said Fred had been trying to keep his immediate family away from the political spotlight until he felt he could never do it again. The publication of this book marks a major change in his position. Fred reflected on this change in his book and said: "Silence is gold only when there is nothing to say."

In recent years, Trump's memoirs have been published successively, and the sales volume has remained high. In addition to the two memoirs mentioned in the article, Simon and Schuster Publishing House also published the new book of John R. Bolton, the former US national security adviser of Trump during his tenure, the memoirs of Stephanie Winston Volkow, the former friend and adviser of Melania, Trump's wife, and the memoirs of Mike Burns, the former Vice President of the United States. Although there were a large number of books detailing Trump's core circle in the last US presidential election, there were relatively few such books in this US presidential election.

reference material:

one Memoir by Trump’s Nephew Will Shed Light Into ‘Darker Corner’ of Family

two Donald Trump's Nephew To Expose Trump Family Secrets In Tell-All Memoir

three Trump’s Nephew Reveals ‘Dark Side’ Of Family



Checked by/Chen Diyan

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