Welcome to the online form filling subsystem of domestic consular certification!
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On September 21, 2024, welcome to:   

Relevant instructions

1、 Please read the relevant regulations and requirements of the Certification Office of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs carefully, See China Consular Service Network
2、 The certification form needs to be filled in online.
3、 For the convenience of filling in the form online, please prepare the following information for filling in relevant information: notarized notarial certificate or corresponding business document, passport or ID card and other certificate information.
4、 Please ensure that the information filled in is true and accurate, and voluntarily assume the relevant legal responsibilities and consequences caused by the untrue information.
5、 If you have any questions, please contact the consulting office of the certification office at 010-65889761.

Applicants can enjoy the following conveniences
1、 Fill in forms and make appointments online.
2、 Continue with the unfinished form.
3、 Cancel or modify the filling information.
4、 Handle progress query.