Career Introduction

Mages are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
Skills of selecting cards in the arena

Soldier Strategy


      Career Introduction

      Paladins are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

      Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
      Skills of selecting cards in the arena

      Paladin Introduction


          Career Introduction

          Mages are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

          Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
          Skills of selecting cards in the arena

          Wizard Introduction


              Career Introduction

              The priest is a wise man who controls magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

              Occupational characteristics Exclusive deck Vocational skills
              Skills of selecting cards in the arena

              Introduction to Pastor


                  Career Introduction

                  Warlocks are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

                  Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
                  Skills of selecting cards in the arena

                  Warlock Introduction


                      Career Introduction

                      Thieves are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

                      Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
                      Skills of selecting cards in the arena

                      Thief Strategy


                          Career Introduction

                          Druids are wise men who control magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

                          Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
                          Skills of selecting cards in the arena

                          Druid Strategy


                              Career Introduction

                              The hunter is a wise man who controls magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

                              Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
                              Skills of selecting cards in the arena

                              Hunter Introduction


                                  Career Introduction

                                  Shaman is a wise man who controls magic. She has rich spells and powerful firepower output.

                                  Occupational characteristics Exclusive Suit Vocational skills
                                  Skills of selecting cards in the arena

                                  Saman Strategy
