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    Source: Longkou Municipal Government Website Published on: July 17, 2018

    The "Xiyuelai" founded by Ding Fazu, the 12th generation, experienced the struggles of several generations in the three dynasties of Daoguang, Xianfeng and Tongzhi, and reached its peak in the 14th generation. It has a wealth of assets, becoming another major representative of the Ding's business in Huangcheng after the "Tailai".
    Ding Fazu had two sons: the eldest, Ding Peijing, and the second, Ding Peiyun. The two belong to the 13th generation. Ding Peijing has four sons: Baodian, Baowen, Baoxun and Baojian; Ding Peiyun had three sons, Baoshan, Baorui and Baojin. The seven "Bao" generation brothers belong to the 14th generation. At the end of the Guangxu period, each branch of "Xiyuelai" established its own business. Fourteen generations of seven brothers divided the family business into seven parts. Ding Baojin (1870-1896), the youngest brother, died just over years after he married the Jiang family. Widow Jiang, known as the "Seven Widows", adopted Ding Shouheng, the son of his uncle and brother Ding Baowen, as the heir. Unexpectedly, this angered his brother in law's six copies of Baoshan. He came to Jiang's house and asked her why she wanted to adopt three descendants who were not related by blood but six of his brothers as heirs? It is clear that they despise their own brothers. Jiang was asked to be speechless, so he gave six of them 100000 yuan as compensation. Liufen Baoshan claimed that she did not need money, so she used the money to build a Ding's garden around 1893 (the 19th year of Guangxu's reign), named "Shufang Garden". In the face of six Baoshan's grievances, Jiang's family was able to offer a huge sum of 100000 yuan for reconciliation, while six Baoshan's scorn for 100000 yuan is enough to prove that "Xiyulai" is indeed powerful. "Xiyuelai" is the longest in the "eight plank houses" of the Ding family. At its peak, there were as many as 22 branches, with branches all over the province, and a wide range of commercial operations, which continued to the land reform and review before the founding of New China.
    In addition to pawnshops and banks, the Ding family also engaged in grain, textile, coal and oil business. These materials are indispensable for handicraft industry and people's life with large social demand all the year round, and the profits are also very considerable.
    When the Ding family had enough food and money, they also recruited a large number of skilled craftsmen to build luxury houses according to the tile and stone camp law of the Qing Dynasty. Each branch has successively built more than 3000 houses, occupying most of Huangxian County. Among them, there are more than 700 rooms built by Xiyulai. Today, the "Ding's Former Residence", named by the State Council as a national cultural relics protection unit, is part of Xiyuelai's 243 residences.

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