Notebook quick shutdown shortcut key - computer

The shutdown of the drop-down list some time ago really exploded. In fact, there are many ways to shut down the computer. For example, click the menu bar to select a basic standby mode, and immediately unplug the computer chassis (this type of standby mode is faster, but the cost on the computer is a bit high. The quick shutdown mode can let us get out of the office faster, grasp the elevator car faster, and win at the starting point. So which standby mode is faster and most advantageous? Today, I would like to share with you a method to quickly shut down your mobile phone by clicking with the mouse. Operation process: Step 1: First, press WIN R at the same time and type "r..." in the pop-up "Operation" prompt box

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The most powerful argument in the world is nothing like practical action, and the most effective education is nothing like doing by oneself; Never ask others for what you can't do yourself; If you want to make mistakes, criticize yourself first and correct your own mistakes first.

Zhihu Look - Laptop Quick Close

 Laptop fast shutdown fast

How many square kilometers does Japan cover? Which province is equivalent to China?

Japan covers an area of 370000 square kilometers, which is really small compared with China, the United States, Canada, Russia and other world powers. However, in the world, Japan's land area is definitely not small, which is larger than that of the so-called developed countries such as Germany, Britain, Italy, etc., so it is definitely middle to top in terms of area. Compared with the area of China, one China tops more than 20 Japan, and the area of nearly five Japan is equivalent to one Xinjiang, but Hetai

What is the cause of the mobile phone fever? Tips to solve the mobile phone fever.

As a personal item, we believe that we have also encountered many problems with mobile phones. Especially in the hot weather, the mobile phone is burning more seriously. I'm afraid that I will become the "party" in the news broadcast one day. Why does the mobile phone burn after being used for a long time? How can we avoid it? Today, the professor will give you a way to get rid of this thorny problem. Cause 1: The heat dissipation is not timely. The price of mobile phones is increasing

What is the meaning of the desire when the puffer fish wants to go up

There are two late scenes of the Chunjiang River in Huichong, one of which is Su Shi [Song Dynasty], three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and a prophet of the spring river water heating duck. Lou Artemisia is full of short reed buds, which is just when the puffer fish wants to go up. The picture comes from the Internet. This is a poem that vividly writes pictures. That is to write poems for paintings. It's very picturesque. It's a good picture of Dawn Scenery on the Spring River. However, many people interpret the word "Shang" in "It's the time when the puffer fish wants to go up" as that the puffer fish goes up the river. Because puffer fish go up the river in spring and lay eggs in fresh water. I guess so

Some people leave at the end of the song - I came for you, and I don't care about crossing the mountains

 Laptop fast shutdown fast

People should not forget their roots. No matter how high they fly, no matter how far they go, they should not forget the people who have paid for you in silence.