
Do you know the words of Lanin Xuguo? I only felt sorry when I read it as a child, but now I understand that flowers bloom and fall from time to time.

Eating for profit

Nine out of ten people will succeed if they can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them.

almost dead

Who can meet adversity with courage and deal with misfortune with a smiling face can overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

high comprehension

Why choose the time and place to study, but ask yourself if your ambition is true?

Deer cutter

Today is a weekend, a long lost Sunday. The first time I woke up, it was more than eight o'clock. The second time I woke up, it was more than eleven o'clock. When I saw the sun shining through the curtains, I knew that today must be a good day. It was really sunny. There was a warm feeling in the air, which made my breathing seem much smoother, and also soothed my despair last night.

Still love sunset

A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how sharp the words are.


I promised myself that I would watch such a sunset this summer and love myself.

Pepsi by

I don't know if you have me in your blueprint, but my blueprint is full of you.


Heart tired, no longer struggling, there are many people to accompany, but not my heart that person.

Wenze 11

Employee training is a strategic investment with the smallest risk and the largest profit—— Warren Bennis

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