do one 's work in a careless manner

Do not act on a small scale of good and do not act on a small scale of evil—— Zhou Tao

age of fifty

I am full of expectation when I think that I will spend the rest of my life with you.

be up to one 's old tricks

You have worked hard, and your achievements have not changed much. This does not prove that you are useless, but represents that you are atoning for your sins. After all, you always have to pay for your past laziness. At this time, you should work harder. Your debts will always be paid, and the days will always be sunny. There will always be. "

a good sword remains always sharp

Education must be based on morality and wisdom. Morality is to support virtue, and wisdom is to prevent oneself from being invaded by immorality.

Be happy or not

There are always some words rotten in my stomach and forgotten at night

A little later. - A little earlier. - It doesn't matter. - It's just you

Attitude determines height, thinking determines way out, and details are about fate.

I'm too lazy to name myself. I don't know what to call it

You are really a small glutinous rice dumpling, soft and sweet!

Women's tongue is sweet

I don't know how to write it forever. I only know how to write your name, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

Choose a day to stop

The little guy sleeps and turns over at night

The sun on earth just blows through the trees

Don't like her. I love you

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six hundred and thirty-eight