from January 2007 by subject

[selectors api] Why two methods?

[XHR] empty passwords

[XMLHttpRequest] Clearing the readystatechange listener

Agenda Request

Bubbling Re: Progress event spec

capturing load events

Editorial Control

Editorial Control (was: Selectors API naming)

Frequency Re: Progress event spec

Fwd: minor clarifications to ProgressEvent

heads-up on use of unnamespaced event types in XBL2

ISSUE-101: Network errors for sync requests

ISSUE-103: Does progress event bubble / is it cancelable

ISSUE-104: Value of progress event total when it cannot be determined

ISSUE-105: Do we need an uploadProgress?

ISSUE-106: Should Progress be required to fire?

ISSUE-107: Is there a required frequency for progress events?

ISSUE-108: Do progress total/loaded measure body content only, or include respose headers etc.?

ISSUE-109: Do loaded/total count the bytes transferred with encodings applied or not?

ISSUE-110: Do we need a singular method for getting just one element

ISSUE-111: Should we define how to deal with multiple invocations or defer to initEvent/NS ?

Key events...

Multi-touch events

New draft of Progress events

new draft of W3C liason stmt

Progress event spec

Progress Use Cases (was Re: Progress event spec)

Proposal: getElementsBySelector()

Richiesta aggiornamento informazioni personali

Selector API names - strawman

Selectors API naming

Selectors API updates

Selectors API: Multiple elements with the same ID

Timing Interface

XMLHttpRequest ready for Last Call

Last message date : Wednesday, 31 January 2007 18:35:19 UTC