from September 2006 by subject

[comment-rex] Editorial

[comment-rex] nesting REX elements

[comment-rex] Processing and well-formedness

[comment-rex] result of an event

[File Upload] Security problems with File Upload

[selectors-api] DOM Level 3 Core + Selectors API

[selectors-api] Introduction with more background

[selectors-api] Security Considerations and stability

About XMLHttpRequest Draft

ACTION-209: dblclick

Adobe Flash Cross-Domain Access

Clipboard (cut, drag, drop, etc) draft

Comments on File Upload

comments on Selectors API WD

Comprehensive List of Implementations for Testing

cookies and XMLHttpRequest

Cross-site extensions for XMLHttpRequest (XXX...)

HTTP Method list in new XMLHttpRequest draft

ISSUE-85: Where to define XPathNSResolver?

ISSUE-86: Throw INVALID_STATE_ERR everywhere, don\'t or some mix?

ISSUE-87: invoking open() when readyState is not 0, 1 or 4

ISSUE-88: AJAX (and serious use of javascript in general) b0rks history, bookmarks, etc

ISSUE-90: passwd seems underdefined in RFC2617

ISSUE-91 and ISSUE-92: send() flag

ISSUE-91: Invoking send() multiple times is undefined

ISSUE-92: Invoking setRequestHeader() after send() is possible

ISSUE-93: Objects created in windows that are then \"destroyed\"

Overriding userinfo in

The url parameter of the method

Welcome to the group

XMLHttpRequest (re)synchronization

XMLHttpRequest state after a send()

XMLHttpRequest status update

XMLHttpRequest test suite suggestion

XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader with non-ASCII strings

XMLHTTPRequest: HTTP 303 response must be visible to caller

Last message date : Saturday, 30 September 2006 18:05:03 UTC