from May 2006 by subject

[comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - Class of Products

[comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - Conformance Model

[comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - history in Introduction section

[comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - no interoperable implementations

[REX] no move operation ?

A typo in The XMLHttpRequest Object W3C working draft

ACTION-119: dblclick analysis

ACTION-139: the IDL is non-normative

ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

ACTION-169: Mouse wheel events

ACTION-51: XMLHttpRequest and 403

ACTION-87: Selectors API

Agenda requests?

AHAH section - experimental

at risk forthursday telecon

Comment on REX 1.0: adding sequence management

cookies and XMLHttpRequest

Creating DOM Ranges when node is not in document

Extension HTTP methods

First Public WD of XMLHttpRequest released

Function from Safari that has info about Windows keyCodes used in key events

Fwd: ACTION-169: Mouse wheel events

handling of POST in XMLHTTPRequest.

Headers / caches proposal

Headers / caches proposal (2nd revision)

Headers / caches proposal (revised)

Indicating XHR conformance


ISSUE-29: how is uri parameter of the open() method resolved

ISSUE-50: Should capturing EventListeners registered on the target fire?

ISSUE-78: relatedEvent for mousewheel events doesn\'t work well

ISSUE-79: How do we make cmd-+ work?

ISSUE-80: Default Content-Type header for POST (and other) requests

ISSUE-81: What should detail be for dblclick events?

ISSUE-82: should Anne\'s proposed even click count rule for dblclick be a normative requirement?

ISSUE-83: Encoding of send data

Issue: Authentication Credentials

Minutes - 10 April

Minutes - 3 April

Minutes 19 april Joint WAI PF / Web API teleconference

Minutes, face to face meeting

MUST NOT set accept header

Photos from Web API WG face to face

Proposal for how to handle keys on devices with keypads rather than keyboards

Request For Feedback on Event Groups


Security Exception proposal

typo in REX requirements?

Window: rewrite Navigation section, added History

XHR constructor example

XHR's abstraction of the cache

XMLHTTPRequest Issue on behaviour when method not supported

XMLHttpRequest Object feedback

XMLHttpRequest progress events

XMLHttpRequest readystatechange events

XMLHttpRequest request bodies

XMLHttpRequest request bodies (was: Re: Issue: request bodies)

XMLHttpRequest security section draft

XMLHttpRequest translation to french completed


Last message date : Wednesday, 31 May 2006 17:00:03 UTC