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Current location: Weather Network Historical weather query Historical weather in Changzhi

Historical weather in Changzhi

Switch domestic cities
  • 24℃
    Average high temperature
    Average low temperature
  • 29℃
    Extreme high temperature
  • 15℃
    Extreme low temperature
  • fifty-two
    Average air quality index
  • thirty-four
    The air is the best (07/01)
  • seventy
    Worst air 07/06)
Changzhi Weather Statistics (January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024)
From January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024, there were 1776 cloudy days, 1452 sunny days, 779 rainy days, 500 cloudy days, 163 snowy days and 15 dusty days in Changzhi. Follow the historical weather of Changzhi and the weather website!

Historical Weather Statistics of Changzhi (January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024)
Historical wind direction statistics of Changzhi (January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024)
  • Dongfeng (1185 days)
  • Breeze (709 days)
  • Southwest wind (662 days)
  • South wind (635 days)
  • Northwest wind (441 days)
  • Southeast wind (274 days)
  • Northeast wind (196 days)
  • North wind (177 days)
  • Northwest westerly wind (153 days)
  • Westerly wind (115 days)
  • Southwest~northwest wind (40 days)
  • South wind~north wind (17 days)
  • No continuous wind direction (17 days)
  • Northwest~southwest wind (17 days)
  • North wind~south wind (10 days)
  • South~southwest wind (10 days)
  • Southwest~south wind (10 days)
  • Northeast~southeast wind (5 days)
  • North wind~northwest wind (5 days)
  • North wind~southwest wind (5 days)
  • South~northwest wind (5 days)
  • Northwest wind~south wind (5 days)
  • Northwest~North Wind (4 days)
  • Northeast~southwest wind (3 days)
  • Southwest~north wind (3 days)
  • Northeast~south wind (2 days)
  • Northeast~northwest wind (2 days)
  • Southeast~northwest wind (2 days)
  • Southeast~southwest wind (2 days)
  • Breeze~North Wind (2 days)
  • Breeze~southwest wind (2 days)
  • Southwest~southeast wind (2 days)
  • East southeast wind (1 day)
  • Southeast~northeast wind (1 day)
  • Southeast~North Wind (1 day)
  • Southeast~south wind (1 day)
  • East wind~northwest wind (1 day)
  • East wind~southwest wind (1 day)
  • East wind~west wind (1 day)
  • North wind~southeast wind (1 day)
  • South wind~northeast wind (1 day)
  • South wind~east wind (1 day)
  • Breeze~West Wind (1 day)
  • No real situation (1 day)
  • Northwest~northeast wind (1 day)
  • Northwest~Breeze (1 day)
  • Southwest~northeast wind (1 day)
  • Westerly~southeast wind (1 day)
  • Westerly~northerly (1 day)
  • Westerly~southerly (1 day)
  • Westerly~northwest wind (1 day)
  • See more
Changzhi Wind Statistics (January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024)
  • Less than Level 3 (1477 days)
  • Level 3-4 to level 3 (1119 days)
  • Level 2 (585 days)
  • Level 3 (551 days)
  • Breeze (376 days)
  • Level 4 (216 days)
  • Level 3-4 (89 days)
  • Level 1 (88 days)
  • Level 5 (60 days)
  • Less than Level 3~Level 3-4 (42 days)
  • Grade 3-4~less than Grade 3 (39 days)
  • Grade 4-5~Grade 3-4 (16 days)
  • 3-4~4-5 (13 days)
  • Breeze level 3-4 (13 days)
  • Level 3-4~Breeze (12 days)
  • Less than Level 3~Level 4-5 (11 days)
  • Level 4-5 (10 days)
  • Level 6 (8 days)
  • Grade 4-5~less than Grade 3 (2 days)
  • Level 3-4~5-6 (1 day)
  • Level 3-4 (1 day)
  • Level 4-5~Breeze (1 day)
  • Grade 5-6~Grade 3-4 (1 day)
  • Level 7 (1 day)
  • Level 8 (1 day)
  • Level 9 (1 day)
  • Breeze level 4-5 (1 day)
  • See more
Historical Weather Details of Changzhi (January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2024)
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  • International weather
  • Popular in China
  • Popular districts and counties
  • scenic spot
  • pm2.5
  • air quality
  • 15 day weather
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Fushun PM2.5 Jimo PM2.5 Shenyang PM2.5 Hohhot PM2.5 Tieling PM2.5 Yingkou PM2.5 Weifang PM2.5 Zhaoyuan PM2.5 Jiaonan PM2.5 Jiaozhou PM2.5 Wuhai PM2.5 Qingdao PM2.5 Liaoyang PM2.5 Wafangdian PM2.5 Bengbu PM2.5 Huaibei PM2.5 Shangqiu PM2.5 Zibo PM2.5 Laixi PM2.5 Korla PM2.5 Jining PM2.5 Suzhou PM2.5 Changchun PM2.5 Jiaozuo PM2.5 Benxi PM2.5 Jinan PM2.5 Panjin PM2.5 Heze PM2.5 Zaozhuang PM2.5 Shouguang PM2.5
Air quality in Fushun Air quality in Jimo City Shenyang air quality Air quality in Hohhot Air quality in Tieling City Air quality in Yingkou Air quality in Weifang Air quality in Zhaoyuan Air quality in Jiaonan Air quality in Jiaozhou Air quality in Wuhai City Qingdao air quality Air quality in Liaoyang Air quality in Wafangdian City Air quality in Bengbu Air quality in Huaibei Air quality in Shangqiu City Air quality in Zibo Air quality in Laixi Korla air quality Air quality in Jining Air quality in Suzhou Air quality in Changchun Air quality in Jiaozuo City Benxi air quality Jinan air quality Air quality in Panjin Air quality in Heze City Air quality in Zaozhuang City Air quality in Shouguang City
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