If you want good sales of goods, we will teach you how to display them

2023-11-03 09:45:25 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

For convenience store management, there are many ways to improve sales, but the more basic and efficient one is undoubtedly commodity display. A good display of goods in the store can not only make the store look clean and tidy, but also greatly promote the sales of goods. As for how to do a good job in commodity display, Guo Linke has sorted out the following three points for everyone.

For convenience store management, there are many ways to improve sales, but the more basic and efficient one is undoubtedly commodity display. A good display of goods in the store can not only make the store look clean and tidy, but also greatly promote the sales of goods. As for how to do a good job in commodity display, Guo Linke has sorted out the following three points for everyone.

【1】 Reasonably match and increase sales

In convenience stores, commodity display is a crucial part. A reasonable commodity display can not only attract consumers' attention, but also increase sales. We can reasonably match the goods according to the characteristics and sales of the goods, making it easier for consumers to choose to buy. For example, placing goods of the same brand in the same area or putting goods of the same type together can not only increase sales, but also improve consumers' shopping experience.

【2】 Clear logo to enhance shopping experience

In commodity display, clear identification is also very important. Consumers need to find the goods they need quickly, and clear identification can help them find the target goods faster. In addition to price identification and brand identification, we can also add some small labels for commodity display, such as "new product launch", "limited time discount", etc., which can better attract consumers' attention.

【3】 Update regularly to increase freshness

The upgrading of commodities is also an important strategy to increase sales. If the goods are not updated for a long time, consumers will easily have aesthetic fatigue on the goods, thus losing the desire to buy. Therefore, we need to regularly update the commodity display, add new varieties, increase the sense of freshness, and attract consumers to continue buying.

A reasonable commodity display can increase sales, attract consumers' attention and improve shopping experience. According to the characteristics and sales of the goods, we need to reasonably match the goods, clearly identify the goods, and regularly update the goods, so as to achieve efficient display of goods in the convenience store, thus improving sales.

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