597 Direct employment_contact us

contact us

Dear user

Hello, in order to provide you with better service, 597 Direct Hire has opened the national unified customer service hotline 400-8108-597 to contact us directly.
In addition, the contact numbers of our branches in various cities are as follows. Welcome to contact us at any time. Your satisfaction is our greatest happiness!

call center

Hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0592-5098378 Postal code: 361000

Contact address: Floor 3, Baoyuan Group Building, No. 99, Anling Second Road, Huli High tech Park, Xiamen

mail box: su@vip.597.com

Beijing Company

contact number: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0592-5098378 Postal code: 100000

Contact address: Floor 3, Baoyuan Group Building, No. 99, Anling Second Road, Huli High tech Park, Xiamen

mail box: bj@vip.597.com

Xiamen Company

contact number: 0592-3380597、3337760、3337780、3199597、3337790、3337707

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0592-5098378 Postal code: 361000

Contact address: Floor 3, Baoyuan Group Building, No. 99, Anling Second Road, Huli High tech Park, Xiamen

mail box: www@597.com

Quanzhou Branch

contact number: 0595-22330083、22335573、22331170、22111818

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0595-22315597 Postal code: 362000

Contact address: Room 301, Building A, Dongyuan Commercial Building, Tian'an North Road, Fengze District, Quanzhou City

mail box: qz@vip.597.com

Zhangzhou Branch

contact number: 0596-2955780、2955203、2955783

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0596-2955780 Postal code: 363000

Contact address: Room 2206, Block B, Wanda Office Building, Longwen District, Zhangzhou City

mail box: zz@vip.597.com

Fuzhou Branch

contact number: 0591-87886620、87886615、88886670、38280098、38280005、38280010

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0591-87886025 Postal code: 350000

Contact address: Unit 09 and 10, 13th Floor, Xinya Building, 121 East Street, Gulou District, Fuzhou

mail box: fz@vip.597.com

Putian Branch

contact number: 0594-2855620、6261599、6260597

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0594-2855680 Postal code: 351100

Contact address: Room 803, Hengxin Building, No. 81, Licheng South Avenue, Chengxiang District, Putian City

mail box: pt@vip.597.com

Ningde Branch

contact number: 0593-2965012、2963721、2963732、2963720

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0593-2965321 Postal code: 352000

Contact address: Room 909, Building 3, Shenghui Junyu East Lake, No. 15, Tianhu East Road, Dongqiao New District, Ningde City

mail box: nd@vip.597.com

Longyan Branch

contact number: 0597-2233823、2233865、2233830、2233812、2233803

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0597-2233861 Postal code: 364000

Contact address: Room 501, 5ti, Yijialidu, Denggao West Road, Xinluo District, Longyan City

mail box: ly@vip.597.com

Sanming Branch

contact number: 0598-8210202、8210261、8210262、8210112、8210232

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0598-8210261 Postal code: 365000

Contact address: Room 1406, Unit 3, Building 81, Sunshine City, Liedong Street, Meilie District, Sanming City

mail box: sm@vip.597.com

Nanping Business Department

contact number: 0592-3188691、3339881、3337768

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0592-5098378 Postal code: 361000

Contact address: Floor 3, Baoyuan Group Building, No. 99, Anling Second Road, Huli High tech Park, Xiamen

mail box: np@vip.597.com

Zhejiang Jinhua Branch

contact number: 0579-82728867、82728813、82728884、82728810

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0579-82728863 Postal code: 321000

Contact address: Room 2401, Building A, Shenhua Building, No. 1113, Danxi Road, Wucheng District, Jinhua City

mail box: jh@vip.597.com

Zhejiang Yiwu Branch

contact number: 0579-85890261、85890267

National hotline: 400-8108-597

Fax: 0579-85811563 Postal code: 322000

Contact address: Room 812, Xuefeng Ginza, No. 18, Danxi North Road, Yiwu City

mail box: yw@vip.597.com

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