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77 Cultural and Tourism Investment Projects Signed at the 14th Cross Strait Cultural and Cultural Expo (2023.08.07)

2023-08-08 09:12:00
Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, August 7 (Reporter Yan Zhihong) "The feedback from mainland businessmen here is the driving force for our Taiwanese designers to continue to launch good products." The 14th Cross Strait Cultural Expo ended in Xiamen on August 7, and the words of Wu Xiuqiong, a young designer from Taipei, were full of joy.

This time, Wu Xiuqiong took part in the Cross Strait Cultural Expo with her own brand "gold collector". Her handicrafts, with the theme of natural mountains and seas, are favored by many merchants. Wu Xiuqiong also came to Xiamen with seven other cultural and creative brands from the Taipei Industrial Design Development Association. During the conference, their booth was visited by an endless stream of customers every day.

The reporter learned from the sponsor that the Cross Strait Cultural and Cultural Expo lasted for 4 days, signed 77 cultural and tourism investment projects, with a total contract amount of 28.1106 billion yuan, and about 120000 people visited the exhibition offline.

Exchange and mutual promotion, mutual learning and mutual learning have become the consensus of the youth participating in this cross-strait ICIF. "The cultural and creative industry in the mainland is developing very fast, and we have gained a lot this time." Chen Jiabao, the founder president of the Macao International Association of Cultural and Creative Industries, told reporters that this was her first time to participate in the Cross Strait Cultural Expo, and the handicrafts she brought to the exhibition this time were also welcomed by mainland consumers.

It is reported that this Cross Strait Cultural Expo is the largest exhibition so far, with a total exhibition area of 100000 square meters, an increase of 32000 square meters over the previous one; There were 4200 booths and 2327 exhibitors, including 883 booths in Taiwan, up 48% year on year.

The 14th Cross Strait Cultural Expo is hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the People's Government of Fujian Province, and undertaken by the Xiamen Municipal People's Government and the Taiwan Asia Pacific Cultural and Creative Industry Association.

[Editor in charge: Li Dan]