Yao Nianlong, member of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and director of the University Office, listened to the study of the theoretical center group of the library

On December 7, 2023, the library held the expansion meeting of the theoretical center group to carry out the thematic study of "Xi Jinping Cultural Thought". Yao Nianlong, member of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and director of the University Office, listened to the guidance and Zhang Anmei, vice minister of the Publicity Department, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Xu Min.


Yao Nianlong said after carefully listening to the learning exchange that the library theory center group had made full preparations before the learning meeting, had rich learning content, and was closely connected with the work. He pointed out that Xi Jinping's cultural thought is the latest achievement of our party's theoretical innovation. Learning and implementing Xi Jinping's cultural thought has special connotation and significance for libraries. He stressed that the library is an important place for college students to learn and inherit China's excellent traditional cultural knowledge and cultural innovation and development. It should work from two dimensions. First, the library should implement the requirements of "one integration and two highs", promote the deep integration of party building and business work, and promote the high-quality development of the library's party building and business work; Second, we should firmly grasp the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, focus on cultural inheritance and innovation, talent training and serving teaching and scientific research, make good use of resources and services, and make greater contributions to the development of the school cause.


Xu Min gave special guidance on the topic of "In depth Study of Xi Jinping's Cultural Thoughts", in combination with the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the national conference on propaganda, ideological and cultural work, Xi Jinping's Summary of Discussion on Socialist Cultural Construction, Xi Jinping's On the Party's Propaganda and Ideological Work, He also systematically studied Xi Jinping's cultural thought in terms of in-depth study and understanding of eleven important aspects such as upholding the Party's cultural leadership. Members of the team shared their learning experience and work thinking in combination with specific work. Xu Min stressed the need to use the Party's innovative theory, Xi Jinping's cultural thought, especially Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, to solidify the heart and forge the soul, further implement the main responsibility of ideological work, grasp the two important gateways of interview and donation, tap the unique resources in the library, and inherit the excellent Chinese culture, Adhere to the problem orientation, solve the problem of combining learning with application, and promote the ideological and cultural construction and career development of library publicity; Yi Lixin pointed out that young students are the future of the country. The library should play a positive role in guiding the country, stick to the cultural front, and show the achievements of teachers by building a teacher library, set an example for college students, and cultivate the spirit of patriotism and school glory; Cui Yan said that he would transform the learning achievements into ideas and measures, focus on improving our library's information service ability, and provide strong support for talent training.

The library will take this learning exchange of the theoretical center group as an opportunity to keep in mind the library management concept of "serving readers, inheriting culture, supporting science and technology", promote the deep integration of the library's party building work and the center's business work, realize the high-quality development of the library, and contribute to the development of the school cause.

Party branch directly under the library
December 7, 2023