Rules and regulations

1. Basic system of intellectual property information service

1. The librarian of Beijing Jiaotong University Library is responsible for the patent information service and appoints a special person as the person in charge of the patent information service agency. The person in charge is responsible for the daily management and normal operation of patent information services, and is responsible for receiving patent information service commissions and dispatching patent information service projects.

2. The Library of Beijing Jiaotong University will appoint 5 to 10 patent information service personnel, who are required to have a bachelor's degree or above, have a certain level of foreign language and computer skills, and have intermediate (or above) professional and technical titles, of which at least two have senior professional and technical titles. The work performance of patent information service personnel is subject to the annual assessment of Beijing Jiaotong University Library.

3. The patent information service personnel must participate in the patent information service training organized by the Ministry of Education or the National Knowledge Bureau and obtain the patent information service business training certificate. Personnel without patent information service qualification certificate need to be trained by qualified patent information service personnel and carry out patent information service under their guidance. These personnel should timely participate in the patent information service training organized by the Ministry of Education or the National Knowledge Bureau and other ministries to obtain the qualification for patent information service.

4. The patent information service project archives shall be provided with a special file cabinet in the consulting department, which shall be kept by a specially assigned person. Long term preservation of electronic documents of patent information service projects.

5. Invite experts and professors of the University as patent information service consultants, and provide advice for patent information service projects when necessary, so as to improve the quality of patent information service.

6. Collect users' opinions and suggestions on patent information service work, patent information service quality and patent information service personnel through patent information service users' opinion survey and other forms to improve patent information service work and patent information service quality.

7. Set up a "Intellectual Property Information Service" page on the homepage of the University Library to provide detailed guidance for users to handle patent information services.

8. This system will be implemented from April 2018.

2. Administrative Measures for Intellectual Property Information Service

1. The patent information service must comply with the relevant patent information service provisions of the State and the Ministry of Education.

2. After the patent information service report is completed, it should be filed in both text and electronic versions, in chronological order, to achieve scientific management.

3. The patent information service shall be self checked every year, analyze the problems found, and propose improvement measures.

4. The patent information service items of the patent information service client shall not be disclosed or disclosed at will in the patent information service work, and shall be kept confidential for the patent information service client.

5. Irregularly provide professional training for patent information attendants and examiners to improve their professional work.

6. Communicate with main patent information service units irregularly to improve the quality of patent information service.

7. The patent information service should be scientific, standardized and legalized gradually.

8. This system will be implemented from April 2018.

3. Confidentiality system of intellectual property information service

1. Patent information service personnel must keep state secrets and implement the "Ten Rules".

  • What should not be said is confidential.
  • Never ask a secret that should not be asked.
  • The secrets that should not be read are never read.
  • Confidential information that should not be recorded should never be recorded.
  • Do not record secrets in unclassified books.
  • Do not involve confidentiality in private communications.
  • Do not talk about secrets in public places and in front of family members, children, relatives and friends.
  • Do not store confidential documents and materials in places that are not conducive to confidentiality.
  • Confidential matters shall not be conveyed by ordinary telephone, clear code telegram or ordinary post office.
  • Do not carry confidential materials to visit, visit, visit relatives, friends and public places.

2. The patent information service personnel shall be responsible for the confidentiality of the technical materials, specifications, data materials, etc. provided by the entrusted patent information service personnel, and shall not infringe upon their technical rights and interests.

3. The patent information service personnel shall ensure that the advanced science and technology that is not available abroad or that is already available abroad but is confidential shall not be lost or transmitted.

4. The patent information service personnel shall strictly manage the patent information service report, and shall not lend, copy or provide it to others at will.

This system will be implemented from April 2018.

4. Intellectual property information service personnel training system

1、 Training purpose

1. Make the patent information server and examiner understand the relevant knowledge of patent information service, and ensure the impartiality, accuracy and independence of patent information service.

2. Make patent information servers and examiners proficient in patent information service methods, ensure the quality of patent information service, enable patent information servers and examiners to better complete patent information services, and better support teaching and research.

3. Make the patent information server and examiner understand the relevant norms and systems of patent information service, cultivate good professional ethics, comply with relevant systems, and make the patent information service more standardized.

2、 Trainees

Full time and part-time patent information attendants, examiners, and other librarians who have the training conditions for patent information attendants.

3、 Training methods, contents and principles

4. In principle, full-time patent information attendants and examiners must participate in the training related to patent information services organized by ministerial training institutions, such as the training of patent information attendants and examiners organized by the Ministry of Education.

5. The Patent Information Service Center shall organize at least one centralized and systematic training related to patent information service every year. The trainers can invite experts from other patent information service centers or serve as experienced patent information attendants in the patent information service center.

The Patent Information Service Center organizes all patent information attendants and examiners to discuss and learn at least twice a year, mainly about the experience and skills accumulated in patent information service, as well as problems encountered and solutions, so as to continuously improve the quality of patent information service.

5. Management system of official seal of intellectual property information service center

This management system is hereby formulated to ensure the legality, seriousness and reliability of the use of the official seal of the Patent Information Service Center of Beijing Jiaotong University, eliminate illegal acts, and maintain the reputation of the Patent Information Service Center of Beijing Jiaotong University.

1、 Activation of official seal

1. The new seal shall be stamped before use, and the sample shall be kept for future reference.

2. The use of official seal shall be reported to the Embassy Affairs Committee for approval, and a notice of use shall be issued, indicating the date of use and the scope of use.

2、 Custody, handover and deactivation of official seal

(1) The official seal must be kept by a specially assigned person

1. The official seal shall be kept by the designated person in charge of patent information service, and the name list of the person who keeps the official seal shall be reported to the office for filing.

2. It is strictly forbidden for patent information server and relevant staff to take the official seal out of the unit for use without permission. If it is really necessary to take the official seal out of use due to work needs, an application report shall be submitted, which shall be approved by the department head, approved by the leader in charge, and reported to the office director for confirmation. During the period when the official seal is out of the office, the borrower can only use the official seal for the purpose of application and bear all responsibilities for the consequences of the use of the official seal.

3. When the official seal keeper leaves his post due to something, he must be temporarily managed by a person designated by the department head to avoid delaying his work

(2) The official seal must be kept in a safe and reliable manner. The official seal cannot be entrusted to others for custody without authorization.

(3) In case of any abnormality or loss of the official seal, the site shall be protected, reported in a timely manner, and cooperate with the investigation.

(4) The handover of official seal must go through the formalities, sign the handover certificate, and indicate the handover person, handover person, supervisor, handover time, drawings and other information.

(5) The official seal must be deactivated in the following cases:

1. The use of official seal is damaged;

2. If the official seal is lost or stolen, it shall be declared invalid.

3、 Use of official seal

1. Any patent information service report issued by the Patent Information Service Center of Beijing Jiaotong University shall be stamped with the official seal of the Patent Information Service Center of Beijing Jiaotong University after the patent information server completes the report and the examiner reviews and signs it;

2. It is strictly prohibited to fill in blank patent information service reports.

4、 Beijing Jiaotong University Library reserves the right to investigate the legal liability of relevant personnel for those who violate the above provisions.

5、 This system will be implemented from April 2018.

6. Intellectual property information service archives management rules

Intellectual property information service archives management is an important part of science and technology management. In order to make intellectual property information service more scientific, standardized and standardized, and strengthen the management of consulting archives of science and technology projects, the archive custody rules are hereby formulated as follows:

1. Basic contents of intellectual property information service archives management

Intellectual property information service archives are generally divided into document archives and project archives.

(1) The documents and archives include the methods, regulations, norms and detailed rules on intellectual property information services issued by the superior to the intellectual property information service agency, the rules and regulations on intellectual property information services formulated by the intellectual property information service agency, the annual inspection materials of the intellectual property information service agency and the summary of intellectual property information services, Intellectual property information service project register, intellectual property information service consulting expert database and relevant performance materials, as well as achievements, published works, papers and other relevant materials of intellectual property information service personnel in their work.

(2) Project archives include intellectual property information service contract, intellectual property information service report, main scientific and technical data of intellectual property information service project, written consultation opinions of intellectual property information service consulting experts, work records of intellectual property information service personnel, etc.

2. Basic requirements for intellectual property information service archives management

(1) The intellectual property information service archives belong to confidential archives, which must have a fixed place, a special confidential file cabinet and a special computer, and be managed by a specially assigned person.

(2) The relevant materials of each intellectual property information service project shall be collected, sorted and filed by the intellectual property information server of the project. After the completion of intellectual property information service, all materials related to the project shall be handed over to the archives keeper in a timely manner.

(3) The intellectual property information service archives shall be filed and kept, the document archives shall be filed annually, and the project archives shall be filed according to the project. It is stored in the counter and entered into the intellectual property information service station of Beijing Jiaotong University for electronic document archiving.

(4) The consulting archives of intellectual property information services in the past five years are not allowed to be lent. If relevant personnel want to consult the archives five years ago, they must obtain the approval of the person in charge of intellectual property information services, go through the consultation procedures, and return them in time after consulting.

(5) The intellectual property information service personnel shall, according to the requirements of the archives management department, timely file and manage the files with computers, such as the data of the intellectual property information service project, the intellectual property information service contract, the intellectual property information service report and its attachments, the expert opinions of the intellectual property information service consultant, the work records of the intellectual property information service personnel and reviewers, etc, Timely log the intellectual property information service report into the national intellectual property information service database.

(6) Archives management personnel and other relevant personnel must strictly abide by the archives preservation system in the spirit of high responsibility. In case of any loss, leakage or damage of archives, the party concerned will be held accountable and seriously dealt with.

7. Code of Professional Ethics for Intellectual Property Information Service Staff

The intellectual property information service staff of Beijing Jiaotong University Library must strictly comply with the following requirements in their work:

1. When carrying out intellectual property information service, it shall perform the business specified in the contract and complete it on time, with quality and quantity guaranteed.

2. Conscientiously safeguard the rights and interests of the owners of intellectual property information service projects, do not disclose the contents of intellectual property information service projects to other institutions and personnel without the consent of the client, and do not possess, provide, or transfer the scientific and technological achievements and materials of others.

3. Do not disclose the technical content of the intellectual property information service project and the conclusion of the intellectual property information service to others without authorization.

4. The conclusion of intellectual property information service made for the project entrusted with intellectual property information service must be based on literature and cannot be fabricated or fabricated.

5. In addition to the specified retrieval fees for intellectual property information services, no additional fees and valuable items provided by intellectual property information service objects shall be charged for any reason and in any way.

6. All business income must be timely delivered to the account designated by the library, and invoices must be issued.