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      Tribute to the positive energy 6 people in Liannan were commended by Qingyuan Foundation

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    October 22, 2020 14:35:18 Source: Weishuo Liannan

    On October 21, Qingyuan Foundation and Liannan Yao Autonomous County Volunteer Association commended Wang Yuanguang and other six people for their acts of bravery, and issued certificates and awards.

    Decision on Commending Wang Yuanguang and Other Six People for Their Heroic Actions

    In order to commend the advanced, carry forward righteousness, and encourage more people to participate in the righteous action, it was decided to commend Wang Yuanguang, who saved the mother and child in the flood in Yanpi Village, Sanjiang Town, Liannan County, Comrade Fu Hao, the Armed Police Squadron who assisted in the rescue, and Tang Limin, Tang Jinfeng, Tang Yawan, and Tang Biao, who saved the children in the flood in Yuchakeng Village.

    The Qingyuan Foundation for Good Samaritan will issue a certificate and reward of 5000 yuan to Wang Yuanguang who bravely saved the drowning people, 3000 yuan to Fu Hao who helped save the people, and 5000 yuan to Tang Limin, Tang Jinfeng, Tang Yawan, and Tang Biao.

    Liannan County Volunteer Association will give Wang Yuanguang a reward of 2000 yuan and Comrade Fu Hao a reward of 1000 yuan for saving the mother and son who fell into the water. Tang Limin, Tang Jinfeng, Tang Yawan and Tang Biao, who saved the drowning children bravely in Yuchakeng Village, have respectively given 1000 yuan as rewards in March. This time, they will be notified for commendation.

    The above six comrades use their own practical actions to inject full positive energy into the society with fearless righteousness, and hope that the cadres and the masses of the county take the advanced as an example, learn from their brave spirit and noble moral character of courage for righteousness, and make greater contributions to building a safe and beautiful Liannan!

    Qingyuan Foundation

    Liannan Yao Autonomous County Volunteer Association

    October 21, 2020

    The deeds of Wang Yuanguang and Fu Hao

    It happened at noon on July 14. At that time, a woman and her 7-year-old son were waiting for a bus near Yanpi Xinqiao in Yanpi Village. Due to the hot weather, the mother and son chose to wait at a shaded hydrophilic platform (below), which can be used as a shelter for villagers to wash clothes.


    The child fell into the water

    When children are splashing on the water platform, they accidentally fall into the water.


    Mother falls into the water

    Out of mother's instinct, a mother who can't swim jumps into the water to catch her child. Unexpectedly, the first underwater step of the hydrophilic platform is usually only for people to wash clothes, which is shallow, but if you continue to move forward, the water depth will reach 2.5 meters. The mother failed to catch the child, and both of them were in danger. They kept struggling in the water and shouted for help.


    The crowd called for help

    When the mother and son fell into the water, several students who were also waiting for the bus were stunned by the sudden accident. Fortunately, an old woman named A Zhen immediately went to the grocery store 30 meters away to call for help.


    Call for help successfully

    Wang Yuanguang, the boss of the snack bar, rushed out of the store after hearing the news. Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately rushed to the water area where the incident occurred.

    Fu Hao, a soldier of the County Armed Police Squadron, who was waiting at the store for a bus to go out, rushed out and found a mop with a long handle at the first time. He joined the rescue altogether.


    Common rescue

    Wang Yuanguang ignored his own safety, jumped into the water, hugged the child, and dragged the child's mother to the hydrophilic platform.


    Mother and child rescued

    Wang Yuanguang worked hard all morning. Suddenly, he was a bit fed up with high-intensity exercise. Fortunately, armed police Fu Hao arrived in time. With the help of Fu Hao, mother and son were finally rescued.

    The deeds of Tang Limin, Tang Jinfeng, Tang Yawan and Tang Biao

    "A child has fallen into the water. Come and save someone...". On February 23, when the villagers were preparing lunch at home, a cry for help broke the usual calm of Yuchakeng immigrant new village, and a two-and-a-half year old child accidentally fell into the deer crowing ditch in the village.

    As the Luming water channel is more than 1m high, the silt and water are about half a meter deep, and the channel surface of the section passing through the village is fully covered, there is no light inside, so we do not know the specific location of the children falling into the water. The children's family members were so worried that they kept shouting for help. Tang Jinfeng and Tang Limin, party members and cadres who were carrying out epidemic prevention and control in the village, rushed to the scene and immediately organized the passing villagers, Tang Biao, Tang Yawan and others, to drill into the underground channel in two directions to find the children who fell into the water.

    The total length of the underground channel is about 100 meters. With the only flashlight and the weak light of the mobile phone, the villager Tang Biao found the drowning child about 60 meters away. He and Tang Limin immediately rushed forward. At this time, the child had lost consciousness and his life was in danger.

    Tang Limin picked up the child and ran to the exit, while Tang Biao kept slapping the child on the back while running. Time is life! In the long and narrow underground channel, they walked on the wet mud, held the children, curled up and ran to the exit with difficulty.

    Through their joint efforts, the child suddenly cried out when they were near the exit of the underground channel, and a hanging heart finally put down.

    The four kind-hearted people from left to right are Tang Limin, Tang Jinfeng, Tang Yawan and Tang Biao →

    Children rescued ↓↓↓

    After the drowning child was rescued from the ditch, his family quickly sent the child to the County People's Hospital for treatment.

    When Tang Limin, Tang Biao and others climbed up from the ditch, they were tired and panting. Their wet clothes were stuck to their bodies. In addition, the wet and cold weather in early spring made them shiver. Their arms and legs were scratched in several places, and they felt pain only after the child was rescued. The family members of the drowning children excitedly held their hands and thanked them. Tang Limin smiled shyly and said, "It's nothing! I'm a party member and cadre. We should protect the people!"

    Zhong Xuehong Source of this article: Wei Shuo Liannan Editor in charge: Zhong Xuehong

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