Liangshan Tourism Switch Cities

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Introduction to Meigu County

Meigu County is located in the northeast of Liangshan Prefecture, in the heart of Daliang Mountain, covering an area of 2731.6 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 9 district work committees, 36 townships, 288 villages, and 1467 village groups, with 38000 households and 168000 people, 98% of whom are Yi people. It is a typical county where Yi people live in compact communities; The highest altitude in the territory is 4042 meters, and the altitude of most areas is between 2000 and 3000 meters; The annual frost free period is 214 days, the annual sunshine is 1181.8 hours, the annual average temperature is 11.4 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 814.4 mm.

Meigu County is rich in natural resources, with 486300 mu of arable land, 1627300 mu of grassland and 1752600 mu of forest land; Main roads include Chengmei Road, Hemu Road, Yixi Road, Hongpu Road, etc. There are 6 exits, with a traffic mileage of 757.6 km; There are many kinds of mineral resources, including copper, iron, rare earth, phosphorus, manganese, coal, bauxite, basalt, crystal, etc; Water resources are very rich; The animal and plant resources are very distinctive. The animal resources are represented by the ancient and rare animal giant panda. There are first and second class national protected animals, such as wildebeest, red panda, hairy deer, red bellied pheasant, and green tailed pheasant. There are many kinds of plants with complex types, including more than 30 rare species, such as Davidia involucrata, Lianxiang, Shuiqing, and Ginkgo biloba; Rich tourism resources, unique natural landscape and charming scenery in the county, Dafengding National Nature Reserve is the most famous, with 7333 hectares of primeval forest, the main peak Mojue Ejue, 4042 meters above sea level. The reserve is full of flourishing clouds, and there are thousands of scenes. Viewing sunrise and sea of clouds at Dafengding, there is a great "view of small mountains, and the pride of Mount Emei at my feet"; The cultural scene and culture of the Yi people are very distinctive. The early language and characters of the Yi people, the astronomical calendar of the "October Sun", and the battle sites led by Kongming during the Three Kingdoms are all deeply rooted in the beauty, while Bimo culture, marriage and funeral customs are even more fascinating; There are many kinds of agricultural and sideline products with excellent quality in the county, including Chinese prickly ash, walnut, high-quality pear, kiwi fruit, gastrodia elata, purple ginseng, cordyceps sinensis, tung oil, and wax insects.

In 1999, the national economy of Meigu County continued to grow, the goals of reform and development were successfully achieved, and the comprehensive strength was further enhanced. The gross domestic product of the whole county reached 149.6 million yuan, the gross industrial and agricultural production reached 191.92 million yuan, the total grain output reached 70090 tons, and the four livestock stocks reached 536200 heads (animals). Comprehensive progress has been made in various social undertakings, and remarkable achievements have been made in the establishment of spiritual civilization, including 2 provincial spiritual civilization units and 10 state-level civilized units; The strategy of "rejuvenating the United States through science and education" was deeply implemented, and the transformation rate of scientific and technological achievements was further improved; "Double basic" education has been comprehensively promoted. The enrollment rate of school-age children is 56.93%, and the consolidation rate and graduation rate have reached 83.3% and 74.71% respectively; Fully implement the "radio and television project" to connect villages, with radio and television coverage reaching 82.89% and 73.29% respectively; Athletic sports reached a higher level. Wrestlers won four gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal in the National People's Games. In 1999, they were rated as "National Model Collective of Ethnic Sports Work" by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China; The Yi beauty pageant won gold and silver medals for three consecutive years in the beauty pageant of the Zhou Torch Festival; The health service system has been continuously improved and perfected, and key diseases, infectious diseases and endemic diseases have been effectively controlled. There is one Grade II Grade B hospital and nine grass-roots hospitals; Significant achievements have been made in family planning. The natural population growth rate has been controlled within 10 ‰, and the family planning rate has reached 89%. The whole county enjoys economic development, social progress, and people live and work in peace and contentment.

Due to historical and natural reasons, Meigu County has a low level of productivity development, a large scale of poverty and a deep degree of poverty. In 1988, it was listed as a poverty county by the State Council. In the face of poverty and backwardness, the 160000 people of all ethnic groups in Meigu carried forward the spirit of "willing to work hard rather than endure hardship". Through constant efforts and unremitting struggle against poverty, the first village in Daliang Mountain, Yibowo Village, a typical village of "hard work without hardship", emerged. Relying on the indomitable spirit of hard work, Meigu people constantly overcome various difficulties and obstacles, In 2000, the poverty-stricken population basically had enough to eat and wear, and the national "August 7th" poverty alleviation plan was successfully completed.

At the important moment of the turn of the century, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council made a strategic decision to implement the Western Development, which provided a golden historical opportunity for Meigu to accelerate its development. Under this new historical condition, the Meigu County Party Committee and the county government united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the county to actively participate in the western development, and according to the resource characteristics of the county, combined with reality and local conditions, put forward the general idea of Meigu to accelerate development in the future in a timely manner: hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully implement the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress, Seize the strategic opportunity of the western development, deepen reform, strengthen the basic position of agriculture, increase industrial restructuring, strengthen infrastructure construction, adjust economic structure, and promote scientific and technological progress. The strategic objective of "34511" economic development has been determined: "strengthen the three foundations of food production, infrastructure, education and technology; cultivate four pillars of animal husbandry, forestry and fruit industry, non-public economy, state-owned enterprises and township enterprises; pay close attention to the five projects of high-quality pear development, Meigu goat and rock eagle chicken, dried fruit, flue-cured tobacco and white konjac; We should play a good role in poverty alleviation and achieve the goal of enriching people and revitalizing the county. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, we paid close attention to structural adjustment, so that the total economic output increased year by year, the ecological environment improved significantly, and gradually achieved beautiful scenery, comprehensive progress in social undertakings, and people's living standards improved year by year.

Meigu County Chemical Corporation is the representative of the state-owned enterprises in the county. This 40 year old enterprise is a shining pearl among Meigu County's state-owned enterprises, with a production scale of 10000 tons, an output value of more than 16 million yuan in 1999, and a profit and tax payment of more than 2 million yuan. It occupies an important position in the industrial economy of Meigu County. In 2000, it was rated as 200 famous star enterprises by Sichuan Province and "the first advanced unit of labor scale" by Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee and Liangshan Prefecture People's Government. In order to welcome the western development, Meigu Chemical Corporation will offer its products to the people of all counties, cities and ethnic groups in Liangshan Prefecture with "first-class management, quality and service", and contribute to the implementation of the western development strategy.

Meigu's territory is densely covered with rivers and streams, rich in water, steep and turbulent slopes, and rich in hydropower resources. Vigorously developing the hydropower industry is the only way for Meigu to cultivate the pillar of state-owned enterprises and township enterprises. Meigu County Party Committee and the county government have made the decision of "taking hydropower development as the leader, developing high energy consuming industries, forming the industrial economic pillar of the county, and driving the development of other industries". At present, in the Meigu River, Liutong River, Wahou River and other basins with good development conditions, the county party committee and the county government are actively attracting investment to strive for the early launch of Liuhong Power Station with a short-term installed capacity of 150000 kilowatts and a long-term installed capacity of 300000 kilowatts; On the other hand, we are actively preparing to gradually develop the Jueluo power station with an installed capacity of 40000 kilowatts, Niuniuba power station with an installed capacity of 66000 kilowatts, Valo power station with an installed capacity of 54000 kilowatts and Wajiji power station with an installed capacity of 45000 kilowatts.

The development of high-quality pears is an important project in the economic development strategy of Meigu County. This project has been listed by the state government as one of the "Double Billion Project" of rejuvenating cool by science and technology, and also the preferred agricultural double growth project of Meigu. Since its implementation in 1994, it has formed a certain scale and achieved certain results. A total of 2030339 thousand wild pear grafts and high-quality pear seedlings have been planted; In 1999, the annual output reached 4.6 million jin, the output value was 2.76 million yuan, the sales revenue was 3.8 million yuan, and the average income of the county increased by 23 yuan. The development of high-quality pear technology in Meigu County will become a new economic growth point of Meigu.

Rock eagle chicken and Meigu multiparous goat are another key project of Meigu County's economic development strategy. The rock eagle chicken is widely praised by consumers for its height and size. Through large-scale breeding, the annual market size can reach 2.5 million, and the market prospect is very broad. Meigu multiparous goat is an excellent local goat group raised by the local Yi people in a specific ecological environment. The meat of Meigu multiparous goats is tender, delicious, and the mutton smell is light. The slaughter rate, net meat rate and lambing rate are superior to most domestic goat breeds. It has high breeding and development value. At the end of the "Tenth Five Year Plan", the number of Meigu multiparous goats on hand can reach 30000. The development of purple ginseng is another important content of the development and utilization of Meigu resources. Purple Ginseng is a perennial herb of Polygonaceae. It grows in high and cold mountain areas and has high nutritional value. It is the best medicine to eliminate high mountain reactions. Since 1993, Meigu County Purple Ginseng Development Co., Ltd. has studied the purple ginseng project and has developed a series of products such as "purple ginseng wine", "purple ginseng tea", "Shule powder", which are popular with consumers. In October 1999, the purple ginseng wine won the highest international gold medal of the third International Einstein Expo.
The white konjac in Meigu County is of excellent quality. The county has a planting base of 2000 mu, with an annual output of 1000 tons of fresh konjac. Sichuan Meigu Jinjiang White Konjac Co., Ltd. introduced the world's advanced production line to finish the white konjac. The white konjac flour produced is crystal clear and white, with extraordinary quality. All indicators are better than the national standards, and has high economic value. In the next ten years, the planting area of Meigu white konjac will be expanded to 10000 mu, with an annual output of 5000 tons of fresh konjac and 500 tons of refined white konjac flour. With the continuous deepening of processing of white konjac flour, the "Light of Hope" poverty alleviation project of white konjac development will achieve remarkable results.

Meigu is a beautiful and rich green treasure land with green water and mountains, abundant hydropower resources and biological resources, and excellent ecological environment. We warmly welcome people from all walks of life at home and abroad to visit Meigu, develop resources, invest in enterprises, and turn resource advantages into economic advantages. We will provide an ideal and relaxed investment environment for all walks of life.

Tourism Features of Meigu County

The objective environment for the development of tourism in the county is very favorable, and the natural landscape in the county is unique and charming. The Dafengding National Nature Reserve, located at the northeast border of Meigu County, has become a "refuge" for living things and a cradle of various biological differentiation in the third century or older due to its special geographical location. There are about 7333 hectares of virgin forests in the area of Meigu County alone, including rare animals such as giant panda, wildebeest, red panda, leopard, macaque, rainbow bellied horned pheasant, white bellied golden pheasant There are more than 30 kinds of silver pheasant, among which there are more than 13 kinds of rare plants, such as Davidia involucrata (also known as Chinese dove tree), ginkgo biloba, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Taxus chinensis, etc., which are rich in cannabis, fritillaria, angelica, achyranthes bidentata and other precious medicinal materials.
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