People are born and have always been free and equal

People were born free and equal.

This project is intended to arouse the pursuit of freedom and equality among LGBTQIA programmers, even though we all know that this will not arouse waves. Whether heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, suspicious, bisexual or asexual, people are born equal and have equal human rights, which cannot be denied.



What is LGBTQIA?

LGBTQIA It is an acronym that represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersexual, asexual and our supporters. Such sexual minorities need to be respected, Because we are born like this.

Why was this project established?

Due to China's traditional cultural background, the LGBTQIA group is very unpopular in China and is not recognized and respected by others. The purpose of this project is to find LGBTQIA groups among open-source workers or people who support the equal rights of LGBTQIA, and to improve the situation of LGBTQIA groups in China from the public opinion. Although this will have little impact, it is better than nothing.

Why does LGBTQIA need equal rights?

LGBTQIA is a minority group. Although LGBTQIA is also an ordinary person, it cannot be denied that we are different from the majority heterosexuals, and our political rights cannot be fully protected. Freedom and equality are always the most important in modern society. In China, LGBTQIA has not been truly free and equal. In order to make such groups live a normal life, we need to strive for equal rights.

How to respect LGBTQIA group?

Just as you respect any friend around you, treat LGBTQIAs as ordinary people. Remember that LGBTQIA is not a disease in any form. Even if you have physiological differences, LGBTQIA is normal. At the same time, LGBTQIA really needs more care than heterosexuals, because LGBTQIA often lacks a sense of security and is eager to be recognized.


If you support LGBTQIA's equal rights, welcome to work in this project GitHub warehouse In Leave your name in and click a Star as support! At the same time, you can also write an article about the LGBTQIA group in China and provide us with the original address and Markdown file (as a backup). As long as the content of the article is related to LGBTQIA, or any group in LGBTQIA, we will pass the appeal for equal rights. The names of all supporters and their articles can be found in File.

Try to submit Commit in the way of Pull Requests (articles should be submitted in the post directory)

Love is love. We're the same.
We are all the same in front of love.
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