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    GE Efficient Lighting Cleveland Cavalier Upgrade Energy Saving LED

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Zhao Wusheng
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       National Basketball Association( NBA )Cleveland Cavaliers( Cleveland Cavaliers )It can be said that it is very popular. Recently, they have upgraded the lighting of the main stadium, which is new and efficient LED The light can provide a more stable and energy-saving bright environment, so that players facing the playoffs can be more stable.

     GE Efficient Lighting Cleveland Cavalier Upgrade Energy Saving LED
    LED light of Cleveland Knights' main training hall (picture from GE Lighting)

    Cleveland Cavaliers have completed the lighting transformation of the main training hall. The old metal halide lamp not only responds more slowly, but also performs poorly in energy consumption GE lighting LED Lamps have a longer life and better controllability, and the significantly reduced maintenance frequency can also make players feel relieved to train.

     GE Efficient Lighting Cleveland Cavalier Upgrade Energy Saving LED
    LED light of Cleveland Knights' main training hall (picture from GE Lighting)

     GE Efficient Lighting Cleveland Cavalier Upgrade Energy Saving LED
    LED light of Cleveland Knights' main training hall (picture from GE Lighting)

    David, senior manager of the training team( David Painter )He said: "It is a problem that cannot be ignored to replace the burned metal halide lamp, especially the replacement fifty Feet( fifteen point two four M) high roof, and LED The lamp didn't have the problem of replacing the ballast or bulb, which is my most satisfied part. "

     GE Efficient Lighting Cleveland Cavalier Upgrade Energy Saving LED
    LED light of Cleveland Knights' main training hall (picture from GE Lighting)

    In addition to the training hall, the Cavaliers also upgraded the lighting in the locker room and gym LED The light can provide good lighting effect, while the light with low heat can provide lighting for a long time, which can also save part of the electricity cost of air conditioning for the knight. true // report nine hundred and fifty-two The Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association of the United States (NBA) can be said to be hot. They have recently upgraded the home lighting. The new efficient LED lights can provide a more stable and energy-saving bright environment, so that players facing the playoffs can be more stable. Cleveland Cavaliers' main training hall LED light (picture from GE Lighting) Cleveland Cavaliers
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