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    Low price competition is not reliable LED lighting should change brand war

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Zhao Wusheng
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       We all know LED Lamps have great advantages in energy conservation and environmental protection, and are also the direction of lighting development. However, due to cost constraints, LED The price of lighting products is higher than other lamps, which also makes it more difficult for products to enter the household market.

     Low price competition is not reliable LED lighting should change brand war

      LED The prospect of development is relatively broad, which makes businesses see the inevitability of future development and start to work hard for future development. In order to circle their users, many businesses are willing to sell their products by reducing profits, and at the same time promote product sales by various publicity means. One of the important points is the price war.

    You can also see on Taobao and other websites that many businesses have launched package mail products LED The price of lamps is even lower than that of energy-saving lamps, and many products with large sales volume are promoted through price reduction or matching packages.

     Low price competition is not reliable LED lighting should change brand war
    Rapid development of global LED lighting market

      LED It is normal for the price of lights to drop. With the mass production of products and the improvement of technology, the price of products will gradually develop in the direction of being friendly to the people, which is also a manifestation of market progress. However, the development of products is not sufficient and the competition is not white hot. Businesses have already delineated the market through low prices, which is not a good phenomenon. true // report seven hundred and eight We all know that LED lamps have great advantages in energy conservation and environmental protection, and are also the direction of lighting development. However, due to cost constraints, LED lighting products are more expensive than other lamps, making it more difficult for products to enter the household market. The prospect of LED development is relatively broad, which makes businesses see the inevitability of future development and start to work hard for future development. Many businesses come from
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