People's Suggestion Collection Guide

Before submitting suggestions, please read the specific contents of this guide carefully and operate according to the requirements.

1、 People's suggestions:

1. Opinions and suggestions on policies, regulations and rules formulated by various departments and units in various regions;

2. Opinions and suggestions on reform and opening up, economic and social development, urban and rural construction and management, and spiritual civilization construction;

3. Opinions and suggestions on the central work of the Party Committee, the People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC, etc.

2、 Matters not included in the scope of people's suggestions:

1. Matters that belong to adjudication, appeal and reporting, or should be settled through litigation, reconsideration, arbitration and other legal means;

2. Matters that fall within the scope of work of courts, procuratorates and other departments;

3. Academic theory, commercial advertising, and sales promotion;

4. Repeated delivery, empty content and no practical significance.

3、 Suggested form:

The opinions and suggestions put forward by the proposer should be discussed on a case by case basis, with clear reasons and specific topics, themes, opinions and suggestions. The real name shall be signed and effective contact information shall be provided. Suggestions made in the name of legal persons or other organizations shall indicate the contact person and telephone number.

4、 Suggested delivery:

The People's Daily Online will decide and adjust whether to display relevant messages (evaluations) according to relevant laws, regulations and editorial guidelines without further notice.

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I have read and understand the above terms

 Editor's Note

In order to thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his visit to Heilongjiang, better follow the direction of General Secretary Xi Jinping's unremitting efforts, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of "five security", build a strong "three bases, one barrier, one highland", and pool the social forces for common development, The People's Proposal Solicitation Office of the CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province carried out the people's proposal solicitation activity of "promoting the high-quality development and sustainable revitalization of Longjiang in the new era" through the People's Daily Online "Leaders Message Board", sincerely invited the masses and people from all walks of life to actively offer suggestions and put forward valuable suggestions, To contribute wisdom to the writing of a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country, Longjiang.

Industrial innovation Agricultural and rural modernization Open cooperation Optimize business environment Cultural and tourism industry development Ice and snow economy Talent revitalization Green and low-carbon development Ensure and improve people's livelihood Preventing and resolving risks
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