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June 13, 2024 enlarge   narrow   default         

Approaching archives

In the exhibition area of file mounting, the audience will experience the file restoration on the spot under the guidance of the restorer
Precious archives are displayed on the third floor of the Archives
The Beijing Municipal Archives launched the 17th International Archives Day series of activities, and the audience approached the archives to feel its charm
Audiences participate in the jigsaw puzzle competition to understand the history of Beijing
Learn rules and guess riddles, and the audience will gain knowledge in happiness

File mounting, thread bound book binding experience, jigsaw puzzle competition... colorful activities bring files closer to the public, help people get closer to files and feel the charm of files.

During the series of publicity activities of the 17th International Archives Day, many people were attracted to stop in front of the exhibition area of framed archives on the third floor of the Beijing Municipal Archives. The staff of the Beijing Municipal Archives are showing the restoration process of damaged archives with copies of damaged archives. Invade the brush head into the wheat starch adhesive, then brush it gently along the edge of the hole, and then lay the selected patching paper on the damaged part... The staff orderly carried out the operation of patching the damaged hole.

"This activity is very meaningful. It not only intuitively understood the process of file repair, but also learned a lot of knowledge. For example, the methods of file repair include hole filling and mounting. The paper used for repair is not randomly selected, but should be consistent with the nature of the paper used for the original file. The gap between the paper and the hole in the file is also very careful," said Ms. Zhang.

In this year's International Archives Day, the Beijing Municipal Archives has carefully organized 14 activities in eight categories. In the "Warehouse Tracking" activity, the audience can see some important activities in the reservoir area through the electrified glass, as well as the storage methods of documents, calligraphy, painting, clothing and other various archives, and understand the actual scene of the daily management of archives. "Ten year Beijing Tianjin Hebei Lanzhou Taiwan Han Ink Fragrance - Beijing Tianjin Hebei Joint Exhibition of Compilation and Research Achievements" has collected more than 130 sets (volumes) of compilation and research boutiques such as "Beijing Museum City in the Archives", "Selected Archives of Tianjin Modern Chamber of Commerce", and "Selected Archives of the Anti Japanese War in the Archives of Hebei Province". A joint exhibition area has been set up at the event site to display the works compiled and researched by the three regions. In addition, at the Beijing Municipal Archives, the audience can also learn about the workflow and related technologies of archives protection in detail through videos such as the Teaching Film of Chinese Archives Manual Framed Technology.

A variety of featured activities can not only let people get close to the archives and gain knowledge, but also make people feel different happiness brought by archives through various interactive activities such as riddle guessing, jigsaw puzzles, and thread bound book binding experience. "Archives are an important carrier of civilization. Understanding the real archives is equivalent to walking into the depths of history, so that we can better understand the splendid Chinese civilization." The audience sincerely sighed for the rich archive resources.

□ Our reporter Sheng Li/Wen Cao Lidong/photographer


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