Labor Daily Digital Newspaper
Edition 03: Labour Union
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Meituan (Beijing) Rider Talks Held
Mentougou held a report meeting to study and implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Trade Union
Yuetan Sub district Federation of Trade Unions held a fun marathon
Decompression in recreational activities
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Yuetan Sub district Federation of Trade Unions held a fun marathon


News from our newspaper (reporter Chen Xi) Recently, the Yuetan Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Xicheng District, together with Henghua July Party Mass Service Center, held a fun marathon activity of "fighting for the end", leading the staff to pursue their dreams and convey their enthusiasm.

It is understood that this fun marathon activity is carried out with the six themes of "playing in the Moon Altar, enjoying in the Moon Altar, enjoying in the Moon Altar, eating in the Moon Altar, love in the Moon Altar, and 'home' in the Moon Altar" as the main line. Six points are set up on the closed loop line, and a road map is issued for each participant to stamp and punch in. As long as you work hard to reach the end, you can win. Each site not only sets up Yilabao to introduce knowledge points in the Moon Altar area in combination with the corresponding theme, but also sets up interesting game levels and childhood fun games related to the theme, leading the staff to understand and love the Moon Altar in a happy atmosphere. Cheers, cheers and laughter kept coming up at the activity site. The staff all said: "Usually, we are busy and nervous, and we haven't run so happily for a long time. This fun marathon activity not only pleases our body and mind, but also ignites our enthusiasm and vitality."

The relevant person in charge of Yuetan Sub district Federation of Trade Unions said that, in the next step, the trade union will continue to firmly establish a worker centered work orientation, focus on improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of workers, further enrich the content of workers' activities in new employment forms, explore and innovate more forms of activities, so that workers can truly and intuitively feel that trade union services are "right around".

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