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Let highly skilled talents shine on the road of high-quality development
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Let highly skilled talents shine on the road of high-quality development


Self reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology can not be separated from the support and guarantee of outstanding engineers, highly skilled talents and large country craftsmen. We should continue to strengthen the building of a team of highly skilled talents, thoroughly implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents in the new era and the "Skilled China Action", promote the continuous development and growth of the skilled talents team, enhance the national core competitiveness and scientific and technological innovation ability, and make it an important force to lead the new economy, cultivate new drivers, and promote high-quality development.

"The center pays more and more attention to highly skilled talents, and has significantly improved its honorary status, hardware investment, salary and other aspects. As a skilled operator, I have benefited a lot from it." Recently, Zheng Juncai, an oilfield technician in the downhole operation department of Jianghan Oilfield Production Service Center, said. In recent years, Jianghan Oilfield Production and Service Center has actively shouldered the burden, set up a platform and set up a ladder, accelerated the building of a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative industrial workers, promoted the construction of a team of highly skilled talents into the "fast lane", and made highly skilled talents shine on the road of high-quality development. (May 20, Workers' Daily)

Skilled talents, as an important force supporting "Made in China" and "Created in China", are an important talent resource to promote economic and social transformation and development in China. In today's world, the competition of comprehensive national strength is in the final analysis the competition of talents and the quality of workers. As the core backbone and outstanding representative of the industrial workforce, highly skilled talents are important builders of the socialist modernization cause, important promoters of industrial transformation and upgrading, important practitioners of innovation driven development strategy, and important inheritors of technical skills.

Manufacturing industry is the foundation of building a country and a strong country. Skilled personnel are the important cornerstone of supporting "Made in China", "Created in China" and "Built in China". The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should speed up the building of national strategic talent force, and strive to cultivate more masters, strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, young scientific and technological talents, outstanding engineers, large country craftsmen, and highly skilled talents. At present, there are more than 200 million skilled workers and 60 million highly skilled talents in China. To carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and create ingenious projects, we need to constantly enrich and expand the team of highly skilled talents to provide strong momentum for high-quality economic development.

The key to the development of new quality productivity lies in the cultivation of new high-quality workers. We should strengthen innovation drive and talent support, strengthen the cultivation of skilled personnel, train more high-quality skilled personnel, skilled craftsmen, and large country craftsmen, increase the source of technology reserves, build a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative workers, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor, and craftsmen, and move forward with "new" and "new", Inject continuous power into the development of new quality productive forces, accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, provide strong competitiveness and lasting power for high-quality development of China's economy, and let skilled personnel burst out more brilliant light on the road of high-quality development.

No talent, no future. In the face of the new development situation of technological change and industrial transformation, all regions and departments should thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of strengthening the country with talents, deepen the integration of industry and education, school enterprise cooperation, strengthen the training of skilled talents, continue to optimize the education, cultivation and service guarantee of highly skilled talents, use talents based on skills, improve the employment mechanism of highly skilled talents We will improve a package of measures and methods such as the system for the participation of skill elements in distribution, the mechanism for retaining and attracting skilled personnel, and optimize the social environment for skilled personnel to grow and become talents, so that skilled personnel will have more opportunities for innovation, a larger entrepreneurial arena, and a broader space for creation.

Self reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology can not be separated from the support and guarantee of outstanding engineers, highly skilled talents and large country craftsmen. We should continue to strengthen the building of a team of highly skilled talents, thoroughly implement the strategy of building a strong country with talents in the new era and the "Skilled China Action", promote the continuous development and growth of the skilled talents team, enhance the national core competitiveness and scientific and technological innovation ability, make it an important force to lead the new economy, cultivate new drivers, and promote high-quality development, and move towards the realization of a modern power The grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation continues to forge ahead.

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