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The labor union takes the "bridge of magpie" to find good marriage
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May 21, 2024 enlarge   narrow   default         

The labor union takes the "bridge of magpie" to find good marriage

Favorite guests add WeChat to each other
Guests show their talents by means of song string, dance, film clip dubbing, etc
"520 FUN Four Love" Labor Union Version "If You Are the One" Single Employee Friendship Activity Launched
The wonderful performance was applauded by guests
Guests enjoy the romantic time
Before entering the meeting, the male and female guests wrote love messages on the wish wall

At the arrival of the romantic "May 20", the Women's Department of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, the Beijing Municipal Political and Legal Health and Culture Trade Union, the Beijing Municipal Financial Trade Union, and the Beijing Workers' Marriage and Family Construction Association jointly held the "520 FUN Four Love" labor union version of the "If You Are the One" single workers networking activity, and 160 single workers went to this marriage agreement with joy and expectation. Zhao Lijun, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event.

A total of 746 single employees recommended by 126 enterprises and institutions in the city signed up for this friendship activity. In order to increase mutual understanding among employees, the activity was carried out in a combination of online and offline. In the five-day online warm-up session, single employees participated in topic interaction, application talent display, love class, browsing the dating information wall and other links in the online group, and exchanged online contact information with guests of the opposite sex through exclusive matchmaker matchmaking. After the early "one-on-one" communication and WeChat group interaction, a total of 160 single employees gathered offline.

Gorgeous lights, novel stage, cheerful music... offline meeting is romantic. The male and female guests formed six squares to show their talents through song string and video clip dubbing. Love at first sight, sweet confession. Favorite guests bravely stepped onto the stage to express their feelings. The whole meeting climaxed, and the guests enjoyed the romantic time and felt the warmth brought by the friendship platform built by the trade union.

"The organization of the event is very novel." Pan, a 28 year old civil servant, participated in the singles dating event organized by the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions for the first time. "At ordinary times, I have also participated in some cultural and sports activities organized by the trade union. The activities not only meet the needs of young people but also are very rich. I trust the trade union platform very much. I heard that there are friend making activities, so I signed up to participate." Many days of online interaction made him get to know many small partners. "We practiced talent show together, and this process also deepened mutual understanding." At the meeting that day, he and his partner brought talent show to win applause.

According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Workers' Association for Marriage and Family Construction, the report of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Labor Union pointed out that in the next five years, we should improve the work system of "being around" to serve workers' needs, so that workers can truly and intuitively feel that trade union services are "being around". As the "mother family" of employees, the marriage of single employees has always been the mission responsibility of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions. In recent years, the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions has closely followed the love and marriage needs of single employees, insisted on including the love and marriage services of employees in the list of practical things to do for employees, took multiple measures to build a "I-shop" love and marriage service brand, built a "bridge of magpie" for employees with precision and personalization, guided young employees to establish a correct concept of love and marriage, and effectively promoted the harmonious development of the career and family of employees.

□ Our reporter Sheng Li/Wen Cao Lidong/photographer


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