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Charm and nature
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May 20, 2024 enlarge   narrow   default         

Charm and nature

Small audience follows the introduction of the interpreter to understand the story behind the museum's older generation of experts' excavation and protection of specimens
Visitors visit Mamenxi dragon fossil
Visitors learn to put fossil specimens into the corresponding "warehouse"
Small audience stops in front of the aquarium to watch
The specimen of speartail displayed in the recently opened aquarium

May 18 is the International Museum Day. On the same day, the National Museum of Nature held wonderful activities to let more people feel the charm of nature and the daily life of museum staff.

As soon as they entered the National Museum of Nature, visitors were attracted by the exhibition and teaching activity with the theme of "the glory of the museum is lit by you" held on the square. Zhao Hongtao, director of the Popular Science Education Department of the National Natural History Museum, is introducing the daily work of the museum to the audience in detail in combination with the model.

Simulate the skeleton research rack according to the literature, design and build a micro exhibition, experience the identification and classification of specimens, and put them in storage for collection... In the theme exhibition and teaching activities, visitors learn about the work of the museum through interactive participation. "The original specimen is stored like this." The process of simulation experience makes the audience more love nature and museums.

Many precious fossils, animal and plant specimens are displayed in the exhibition hall of the National Natural History Museum. Most of them are collected by museum staff. Through their careful research, they not only revealed the story behind the exhibits, but also designed an exhibition to be presented to the audience. In the hall on the first floor, the science popularization staff told the history and interesting stories of the exhibits on the spot, leading the audience to understand the ordinary and extraordinary work of the museum staff.

The classroom in the Exploration Corner was full, and the popular science lectures brought by the scientific researchers delivered a wealth of natural knowledge, daily scientific research work and interesting stories to the audience. Participants listened with great interest. From time to time, small audiences raised their hands to ask questions. The scene was full of a thick atmosphere of scientific exploration. At the same time, in the exhibition hall of "Plants and Humans", the health knowledge popularization activities in ancient poems are ongoing.

The wonderful activity not only received the praise of the small visitors, but also touched the parents who accompanied the visit. "The work of the museum needs to accumulate profound knowledge. Behind the exhibition specimens we see are the silent efforts of many museum staff, and this craftsmanship spirit is worth learning." Ms. Zhang, the audience, said in admiration.

□ Our reporter Sheng Li/Wen Sunyan/photographer


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