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Version 07: Shunyi
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New mission, new journey, new achievement, new era
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New mission, new journey, new achievement, new era
——Trade unions at all levels in Shunyi District conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Municipal Trade Unions

The 15th Beijing Trade Union Congress was successfully concluded, and 20 delegates from Shunyi District returned to work with new tasks and goals. In recent days, trade unions at all levels in Shunyi District have actively studied, publicized and implemented the spirit of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Trade Unions, and the majority of trade union cadres and model workers in the whole district have combined their own work to talk about their learning experience.

Zhang Xiaofeng, Representative of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Municipal Trade Union, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of Shunyi District People's Congress, and Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions:

Focus on the overall development

Be a good bridge and link

Over the past five years, under the strong leadership of the Shunyi District Party Committee and the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, the Shunyi District Federation of Trade Unions has focused on ideological and political guidance, led the vast number of workers to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and built a common ideological foundation for unity and struggle. Actively solve the problems of non-public enterprises, improve the enthusiasm and initiative of workers in new employment forms to join the association, and build 226 new heart warming stations for outdoor workers. Focusing on the main responsibility, improving the economic and technological innovation boosting system, carrying out vocational skills competitions, selecting "Shunyi Craftsmen", building a platform for staff growth and talent, and promoting the implementation of "industrial reform". Actively perform the basic responsibilities of rights protection services, take multiple measures to promote the source of litigation governance, provide workers with "one-stop" labor dispute mediation services, and promote the construction of harmonious labor relations.

The 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union is a major event in the political life of the city's workers and trade union cadres. The trade unions at all levels in Shunyi District will take the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union as a new starting point, integrate the thoughts and actions of the majority of trade union cadres in the whole district into the goals and tasks set by the conference, think about what the workers think, what the workers are anxious about, and what the workers expect, and act as a bridge and new belt for the Party to connect with the workers and the masses.

Shi Weidong, representative of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Municipal Trade Union, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Shunyi District Federation of Trade Unions, and vice chairman in charge of daily work:

With a more swagger

Serve the high-quality development of the capital

The work report of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union is a high-quality report with high standing, detailed data, top-level planning, and specific methods.

As a "recruit" who has worked in the trade union for two years, I deeply realize that the trade union work has great potential. In the face of the new situation and new tasks of our future work, we must put the leadership of the Party in the first place, take the initiative in serving the overall situation of the city, perform the main responsibility and main business with the staff as the center, and adhere to the problem orientation to deepen reform, continue to work hard and forge ahead, take the responsibility, and serve the high-quality development of the capital with a more ambitious attitude.

For the clear practice path of "ideological guidance and inheritance, platform system support, brand digital empowerment" and the construction of "1234" work pattern in the next five years, we will earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of uniting and guiding employees to listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's kindness, and follow the Party, and shoulder the responsibility of serving the high-quality development of the capital, Shoulder the responsibility of doing a good job in protecting the rights of employees and deepening the reform and construction of trade unions, integrate the thoughts and actions of trade union cadres at all levels in Shunyi into the goals and tasks set by the conference, show the practical responsibility of trade union organizations and trade union cadres, and make positive contributions to promoting the development of capital in the new era.

Wang Yang, representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, Beijing model worker, secretary of the First Party Branch and head of the Asset Management Department of Beijing Shunyi Science and Technology Innovation Group Co., Ltd., and vice chairman of the Shunyi District Federation of Trade Unions (part-time):

Strive for development

Pioneer of new quality productivity

The 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union successfully concluded. The congress comprehensively summarized the trade union work in the past five years and scientifically planned the development blueprint for the next five years. The report urged people to make progress and lay a solid foundation for better carrying out the work of the Capital Trade Union.

As a representative of a science and technology enterprise, in my future work, I will closely focus on the high-quality development of the capital, play a leading role as a model worker, and lead more workers to become the vanguard of the development of new quality productivity. I believe that with the care and care of trade union organizations at all levels, the staff of the whole city will surely unite, forge ahead in a new era, make contributions to a new journey, and make unremitting efforts to write a chapter of Chinese modernization in Beijing.

Yao Guangjin, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal and the carpenter of Qumei Home Furnishing Group Co., Ltd. Beijing No. 1 Branch:

Based on post innovation

Play an exemplary role

As a front-line production worker, I feel honored and proud to participate in the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union.

Returning to work with the spirit of the conference, I will pay more attention to improving my professional quality, strengthening theoretical learning, constantly improving myself, and practice the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship with more enthusiasm and firm belief. At the same time, give full play to the leading role of model workers, dare to be the first, use their own practical actions to help others, influence others, drive others, constantly lead more employees to strive for excellence in their daily work, help enterprises develop new quality productivity, and be brave practitioners and strivers of the new era and new journey.

Feng Hui, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal and the vice principal of Shunyi District No. 8 Middle School:

Take the responsibility of education actively

Helping students grow healthily

Labor creates the future, and striving makes great achievements. The convening of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union is inspiring and inspiring. In the work report of the conference, I was deeply moved by the special mention of "building a model craftsman demonstration and leading platform", "improving the role of model craftsmen, caring and caring work mechanism" and other contents.

As a teacher model worker representative, I will deeply study the spirit of the conference, base myself on my own job, firmly maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in political position, political direction, political principles, and political path, take the initiative to shoulder the educational responsibility, educate people for the Party, educate talents for the country, and promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsmanship on the three feet platform, Help each child grow up healthily with his professional quality and educational feelings.

Cai Zhengyang, full-time social worker of Shiyuan Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Shunyi District:

Strive to serve the staff

Be a good worker's "mother family"

The 15th National Congress of Trade Unions in Beijing was successfully concluded. The congress defined the mission and task of trade unions at all levels in the city in the new era and new journey, mapped out the blueprint of trade union work in the next five years, and pointed out the direction of struggle for the work of grass-roots trade unions.

I will take this conference as a new starting point, deeply study and widely publicize the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, base myself on my own post, shoulder the burden with the spirit of "pioneering", start a new situation with the momentum of "pioneering", strengthen the ideological and political leadership of employees with the style of "doing", optimize and improve the construction of employee service positions, and deepen the "work" series of employee cultural characteristics brand, Strive to be the "mother family" of employees with more accurate, more yuan and more considerate services.

□ Our reporter Wang Luman/Wen Cao Lidong/photographer


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