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Work together with the Party and promote the development of the capital in the new era
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Work together with the Party and promote the development of the capital in the new era
——The 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union has aroused enthusiastic response among the staff and workers of the whole city (Part 2)

Walk in the forefront of technological innovation

Strive to be a comprehensive skilled talent

Jiang Ruyue, representative of the 15th National Congress of Beijing Municipal Labor Union and test engineer of Beijing Xiaolong Defense Technology Co., Ltd

As a test engineer, I am very excited and inspired to attend the conference as the representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union and communicate with model workers and technology leaders from all walks of life.

These days, I have repeatedly read the work report of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, which mentioned that we should strive to be the "vanguard" of the development of new quality productivity and make contributions to the development of the capital in the new era. As a skilled person, I have deep feelings. In recent years, our company has successively conquered the research and development and batch preparation technology of large field angle and small volume "grating waveguide" optical display devices. The technical indicators and display effects have reached the international leading level, breaking the foreign technology monopoly, and has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology's "National Key Research and Development Plan" project and Beijing's major science and technology projects.

Standing at a new starting point, I feel a great responsibility. In the future, I will continue to climb in the field of cutting-edge technology, constantly improve my skill level, give play to my own value, and strive to become a knowledge-based, skilled and innovative talent to adapt to the development of the times and meet the needs of enterprises.

Think what the employees think

Urgent employees

Gao Bo, Executive Deputy Director of the Trade Union Service Station in Hujialou Street, Chaoyang District

The work report of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union put forward a series of new requirements on how to do a good job in the work of the trade union in the next five years. In particular, the work report of the Congress stressed that building a number of "all-weather", "intelligent" and "small quick" service sites can better solve the "key issues" of employees, so that workers can truly and intuitively feel that trade union services "are around". I am deeply touched by this. Being on the front line of serving the broad masses of workers, our grassroots trade union cadres want to think about what the workers want and what the workers want.

There are 47 trade union stations built by the Federation of Trade Unions in Hujialou Street, which meet the daily needs of outdoor workers. In the process of post station construction and service, we actively carried out special service activities. For example, in the low peak period of meal delivery, we sent warm breakfast to the takeaway boys, so that they could feel the service of the labor union around them. In the next work, my colleagues and I will continue to sum up our experience, start from the actual needs of workers, work with all parties to promote the construction of trade union post stations, continue to expand service content, improve service quality, and provide more high-quality and convenient services for more workers.

"Step forward" in rights protection

More considerate service

Huang Honglian, cadre of Beijing Capital International Airport Airport Economic Zone Federation of Trade Unions

As a grassroots trade union cadre, we will study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, carefully plan, closely organize, act responsibly, down-to-earth and do a solid job in various trade union work in combination with the regional reality.

In terms of improving the "next step" rights protection work system, the Beijing Capital International Airport Airport Economic Zone Federation of Trade Unions will set up a dedicated dedicated line to regularly check the risk and hidden dangers of the staff team with enterprises, so as to find and seriously deal with them in a timely manner and eliminate the risk and hidden dangers in the bud; Relying on the legal resources of the Shunyi District Federation of Trade Unions, we prepared to carry out special activities to popularize the law at the grass-roots level, to achieve resource sharing and linkage, and to establish and improve the work system for safeguarding the rights and interests of workers. In terms of improving the work system of "being right beside you" to serve the needs of employees, we will unblock the communication channels. At present, we have achieved online communication with 155 staff in 66 enterprises; Establish a "quarterly visit system" to promote the development of trade union work in the form of symposiums. At the same time, we will also make full use of all the trade union post stations serving outside the district to provide services for more than 3000 workers in the new employment form, so that employees can feel that "mom and family" are around.

Loyal and dutiful

Serve the staff with heart and soul

Hu Anni, Labor Union Worker of the Second Branch of Beijing Gas Group

We are very excited and proud of the successful conclusion of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union. The work report of the conference pointed out that we should firmly establish the work orientation of taking the staff as the center, and strive to improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the staff and workers. It is necessary to create a platform for "industrial reform" to empower and build achievements, and a platform for model workers and craftsmen to demonstrate and lead. These contents have pointed out the direction for our grass-roots trade unions to carry out their work.

Looking back over the past five years, we deeply feel that trade unions have played an important role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and promoting their development. In the future, we will perform our duties with a stronger sense of responsibility, work wholeheartedly for the well-being of the employees of the enterprise, and be the "mother family" trusted by the employees. At the same time, we will conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Labor Union, focus on building the "1234" labor union work pattern, carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit of Beijing's "gas people", tighten the gas "safety valve", strive to improve the work level of the labor union, serve the staff with heart and soul, and write a new chapter of the capital gas service for the people.

Constantly sharpen skills and technologies

Escort passengers for safe travel

Gao Guoran, the driver of No. 103 Bus Branch of Beijing Public Transport Group

The report on the work of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union pointed out that it is very important to extensively carry out skill competitions and skills training. As a bus driver, you must master skilled driving skills. I am a "thoughtful" driver. In addition to attending the professional driver meeting of the team and consulting the master, I will also learn the essentials of safe driving, internal structure and technical performance of the vehicle through reading books in my spare time.

I have participated in many skill competitions. During the preparation period, I took root in the training ground, pondering over every action and practicing every subject; Back home, continue to read the textbook and take notes. Finally, I won the championship in the skill contest and was awarded the honorary title of "Bus Master".

In the future, I will learn and implement the spirit of the conference, not only continue to sharpen my technical skills, but also drive more colleagues to participate in skill competitions and skill training, practice the "diamond", and escort passengers with excellent skills.

Build a "safe house" for people

Let each construction become a masterpiece

Chen Feilong, Construction Worker of Caiyuan Street Plot C Project of North Branch of the Third Company of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau

"We should increase the driving force of workers' career development and innovative projects, and comprehensively improve the technical skills of industrial workers." "We should organize and mobilize workers to help develop new quality productivity."...... A series of statements about industrial workers in the work report of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union encouraged us. As construction workers on the construction front, we are more confident.

As a rebar worker, I have been working for more than 20 years. I always feel extremely proud when I see the buildings I participate in building crisscross and the subway being built extending in all directions. I am now working in Xicheng District, which is the largest shantytown reconstruction project in the Second Ring Road. When completed, this project will further improve the living environment of citizens. I will learn and implement the spirit of the conference by taking practical actions, continue to improve my skills, build a "safe house" for the people, make every construction operation on hand a masterpiece, and contribute to the development of the capital in ordinary positions.

□ Our reporter Sun Yan, Zhang Jing, Wang Luman, Liu Xinxin, Sheng Li, Ma Chao, Zong Xiaochang


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