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Work together with the Party and promote the development of the capital in the new era
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Work together with the Party and promote the development of the capital in the new era
——The 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union has aroused enthusiastic response among the staff and workers of the whole city (I)

The 15th Beijing Trade Union Congress successfully completed all the agenda and successfully closed! This conference is of great significance to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of Beijing labor movement and trade union work in the new era and new journey. In recent days, the staff and workers of the whole city have paid close attention to the agenda of the conference, and learned the spirit of the conference as soon as possible. The response was very enthusiastic. Everyone expressed that they should work together with the Party, be based on their posts, work hard, and make selfless contributions, give full play to the role of the working class as the main force, strive to promote the development of the capital in the new era, and contribute wisdom to write the chapter of Chinese modernization in Beijing.

Boost industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation

Implementing the spirit of the General Assembly with practical actions

Li Zhihong, representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Labor Union, winner of the Capital Labor Medal, and director of the Inertial Technology Center of Beijing Star Network Yuda Technology Co., Ltd

As a scientific research worker working on the production line, I deeply feel the care and concern of trade union organizations at all levels for front-line workers. In the past five years, the Beijing Municipal Trade Union has carried out the activity of "carrying forward the spirit of craftsmen and practicing the socialist core values" in the whole city, selected the "Beijing Great Craftsman", selected the capital labor medal, Beijing model workers, etc., and promoted the spirit of craftsmen to enter institutions, communities, enterprises, and teams. I actively participated in the tree selection activities of "Yicheng Craftsman" and "Beijing Great Craftsman", and was awarded the Capital Labor Medal. As the representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, I deeply feel the great responsibility and glorious mission. I will actively preach the spirit of the conference, carefully listen to the voice of the staff, perform my duties, and give full play to the role of conference representatives.

In the future work, I will base on my position and continue to maintain a serious, responsible, excellence, innovative attitude; Continue to promote innovation projects, establish staff innovation workshops, provide intellectual support for research and development and innovation, and strive to promote the development of new quality productivity; We will continue to implement the innovation driven strategy, support industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and implement the spirit of the conference with practical actions.

Embrace the heart of a child

Educate people for the Party and the country

Li Xian, representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Labor Union and deputy director of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Capital Medical University

As a young and middle-aged college teacher and scientific research worker, I was elected as the representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union. I listened to the speeches made by the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and the All China Federation of Trade Unions on the spot, and read the work report of the conference repeatedly. I was excited and benefited a lot.

As a teacher, we should have "craftsman spirit", teach every lesson well, and educate everyone well. Teachers must have a pure heart, have a deep understanding of students, and seriously deal with the growth of students. For medical colleges and universities like Capital Medical University, we have a very clear career plan for students, which is to make students become future doctors, medical researchers and human health guards. While imparting knowledge, we should adhere to the concept of "educating talents before educating people", teach them selfless dedication, cherish great love for the country and the people, and integrate ideological and political elements as much as possible into the education process.

As the representative of this conference, I will earnestly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the conference, work hard in my own post, forge ahead, make solid contributions in teaching and scientific research, be honest and innovative, show the spirit of the capital's education and scientific and technological workers, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the capital's health cause.

Work steadily

Try your best to deliver every order

Luan Yushuai, representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Labor Union, winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, and the youngest brother of Jingdong Express

As an express brother of JD Logistics, I am very honored to be the representative of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Labor Union. This is my first time to attend an important meeting. I feel excited and deeply responsible.

Over the years, as workers in a new form of employment, my colleagues and I have deeply felt the care and care from the "mother's family" - the warmth in winter and the cool in summer. Although we travel around the streets on weekdays, we can always see the trade union post station right beside us. In these warm heart post stations, we have water to drink when we are thirsty, a place to rest when we are tired, and a hot meal to eat, so that we can always feel at ease when we are away from home.

After the meeting, I will seriously study and publicize the spirit of the meeting, take the spirit of the meeting back as soon as possible, and pass on the warmth and care of "my mother's family" to more colleagues around, so that everyone can work more comfortably, deliver every order and serve every customer well. At the same time, we will work hard to do a good job of service in our work and life, work hand in hand with everyone, and contribute to the healthy development of the express industry in the capital.

Guided by scientific and technological innovation

Develop new quality productivity

Yang Jian, winner of the Capital Labor Medal, secretary of the Party branch and general manager of Beijing Tianke Heda Semiconductor Co., Ltd

In recent days, I have been paying close attention to the reports on the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union. The congress has a distinctive theme, is farsighted, united, pragmatic and cohesive. In the past five years, with the care and support of Party committees, governments and trade union organizations at all levels, the employees of Tianke Heda have been aggressive and the company has made new achievements in all aspects of its work. In 2022, the company's R&D center was awarded "Beijing Worker Pioneer"; In 2023, the company was awarded the "Capital Labor Award"; In 2024, the company was awarded the "National May Day Labor Medal" by the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and I was also awarded the "Capital Labor Medal". These honors are a great incentive and spur for the development of enterprises.

Facing the future, Tianke Heda will continue to focus on the technology research, development and production of the third generation semiconductor silicon carbide materials, and will become the world's third generation semiconductor industry leader as the corporate goal. To achieve this goal, we will make unremitting efforts, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, focus on the development of new quality productivity, and promote the sustainable development of enterprises. At the same time, we will pay more attention to talent cultivation and team building, adhere to the concept of "caring for employees and serving employees", actively carry out various trade union activities, provide employees with broad development space and a good working environment, stimulate employees' innovative potential, and realize the common development and growth of the enterprise and employees.

Fully stimulate creativity

Provide quality service for passengers

Xuan Jie, Deputy Chief Driver of "Mao Zedong" Locomotive Group of Fengtai Locomotive Depot of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd

The 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union is a major event in the political life of the majority of workers in the capital. Through careful study of the report of the conference, I personally felt the hard efforts made by trade unions at all levels to serve workers in the past five years.

The labor union of Fengtai Locomotive Depot of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd. where I work actively carried out the action of "delivering warmth, cooling and health", made great efforts to upgrade the equipment and facilities of employees in all aspects of "eating, living, washing and traveling", raised funds to support employees' innovation and efficiency creation, rewarded advanced models, and made employees feel warm and energetic.

The report of the conference emphasized that "organize and mobilize the staff to help develop new quality productivity, deepen mass innovation and creation activities, and strengthen the construction of staff innovation studio". We are deeply encouraged and will earnestly implement it. The "Liu Yufeng Innovation Studio" where the "Mao Zedong" locomotive group is located is a national model worker and craftsman talent studio. As the first line team of the railway maintenance system, we should not only drive a smooth and safe train, but also improve the service quality through scientific and technological means to provide passengers with better service. We will focus on the actual work of the railway system, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship, and contribute more to building a strong railway country and promoting high-quality development of the capital.

Do a good job of "helping and guiding"

Carry Forward the "Three Spirits" with Practical Actions

Wen Yingying, Staff Craftsman of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and Director of the Office of Beijing Urban Machine Scanning Service Co., Ltd. of Beijing Sanitation Group

These days, I have been paying close attention to the relevant reports of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Union, and have repeatedly read the work report of the congress delivered by President Qi Jing.

The work report of the conference summarized the outstanding achievements of the Beijing Trade Union in the past five years with "eight more", and outlined the development blueprint for the next five years with the "1234" work pattern. I was impressed by these incisive statements.

In the past five years, I have achieved the transformation from "craftsman" to "teacher" through such platforms as the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions worker craftsman and model worker education promotion. As mentioned in the work report of the conference, it is necessary to carry out innovative work such as worker craftsman ladder action, further improve the "mentoring" effect of model workers, and lead more workers to become model workers and skilled craftsmen in the new era. As a worker craftsman, I feel honored and deeply responsible. In the future work, I will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the conference, be brave and good at doing my job. On the premise of doing my job well, I will participate in the development, design and publicity of staff education and training courses as much as possible, constantly improve my teaching ability and level, do a good job of "helping and guiding", and carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship, Practice the responsibility and mission of workers and craftsmen in teaching technical skills.

□ Our reporter Sun Yan, Ren Jie, Zhang Jingzong, Xiaochang


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