Labor Daily Digital Newspaper
Edition 03: Labour Union
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Shunyi District Federation of Trade Unions Build a "Big Stage" for Industrial Workers to Become Talents
137 staff education and training demonstration sites in the capital
Make the labor union work more warm with heart and emotion
Miyun District Federation of Trade Unions selected "Miyun Craftsman" and "Miyun Expert"
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Kang Haibin, full-time vice chairman of the labor union of Chaoyang Court:
Make the labor union work more warm with heart and emotion


"There is no shortcut to do a good job in trade union work. It is to use more brains, more mouths, more errands, do a good job of service with heart and feelings, and do the work more warmly." When it comes to trade union work, Kang Haibin, full-time vice chairman of the trade union of Beijing Chaoyang Court, said.

Kang Haibin introduced that in order to solve the problem of caring for the children of dual worker families during overtime work and winter and summer vacations, in 2023, the Chaoyang Court Labor Union will pilot the establishment of children's homes in some courtrooms. Children's Home has added a variety of books, customized children's furniture, and installed entertainment facilities. The newly opened small world enables the children of police officers to have a safe and comfortable environment during the holidays. "Children can learn and play here, which solves the worries of police officers."

Due to the reason that Chaoyang Court has many offices, the police who worked outside the staff home built by the court before have few opportunities to experience it. Kang Haibin sees it and remembers it. "In 2023, based on the construction of the hospital staff home, we will set up Warm Heart Posthouse for 11 overseas offices." Kang Haibin said, "The hospital labor union not only meticulously arranged each post, but also equipped with coffee machines, microwave ovens, health pots, data lines and other equipment." Warm Heart Posthouse not only brings more convenience to police officers, It has become a "warm home" for policemen to relax after work.

In Kang Haibin's view, to do a good job in trade union work is to put yourself in the position of the police. He often heard the feedback from the police: there was no time to exercise, and the equipment of the sports hall in the hospital was old. "If the police have a need, we need to provide services." Kang Haibin said that the hospital labor union listened to everyone's opinions and completed the upgrading and reconstruction of the sports hall in time. "This year, we also hired professional teachers to offer yoga and aerobics courses every week to help policemen build up their physique and relieve the pressure of work. At present, the twice weekly fitness courses are popular with policemen."

"Trade union cadres are the 'mother's family' of police officers, which is not only a slogan, but also a guide to action for my work." Kang Haibin said that he will continue to work hard to do a good job of service, and will do the work of the trade union more warmly.

□ Our reporter Sheng Li/Correspondent Shang Hanxiao/photographer

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