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"One pair of shoes a year from the opening to the Spring Festival"
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Dong Yu, Director of Maintenance Department VIII of the Fifth Project Department of Beijing Metro Electromechanical Branch:
"One pair of shoes a year from the opening to the Spring Festival"


"One pair of shoes a year from the opening to the Spring Festival" is a joke of everyone, which is a reflection of Dongyu's professionalism and recognition of him. Dong Yu is the director of the eighth maintenance department of the fifth project department of Beijing Metro Electromechanical Branch. Since he joined the company 14 years ago, he has always adhered to the professional quality of being meticulous, loving his job and dedicated to his work. He has developed excellent skills to protect passengers' safe travel.

"Mechanical and electrical maintenance is a delicate job, and there is no room for carelessness," said Dong Yu. In July 2010, Dongyu joined the big family of electromechanical branch. During his internship in Line 5, he followed the teachers to inspect the equipment and observe the maintenance... These daily jobs made him interested in the electromechanical comprehensive maintenance post. In October of the same year, during the preparation for the opening of the new Fangshan Line, he signed up at the first time. At that time, the commissioning of electromechanical equipment had just begun, and he was still a newcomer, and was assigned to the FAS/BAS commissioning team. From single point test to loop joint commissioning, from inching start stop to mode control, he will try whenever he has the opportunity. He also took the initiative to "charge" and learn equipment principles and fault handling knowledge during working hours. In just two months, he had worn out a pair of anti smashing insulating leather shoes. Since then, the story of "one pair of shoes a year from the opening to the Spring Festival" has spread in the unit.

With the improvement of skills, Dongyu, as the site leader of the Project Department, coordinated the commissioning of electromechanical equipment for 7 stations in the west section of Line 7 (Zhushikou Beijing West Railway Station). In the face of the delay in the mobilization, installation and commissioning of FAS equipment modules and the impact on the work progress, Dongyu firmly said, "Let's learn by ourselves and learn by ourselves." He found relevant data and drawings and worked overtime to lead the staff to study the connection drawings and wiring methods of FAS module boxes. They also learned module installation and other knowledge from the engineering technicians of the equipment manufacturer, so that everyone installed and wired the subsequent modules while debugging the equipment, and finally passed all fire function tests before opening.

In 2015, Dongyu served as the deputy director of the eighth maintenance department of Line 5 and presided over the daily work of the maintenance department. When he came to the new line and new post, facing different equipment, working principle and mechanical structure, he learned from teachers at the first time, studied equipment drawings, and basically mastered the operating principles of various electromechanical equipment of Line 5 in only half a year.

In 2020, after he became the director of the maintenance department, he led the staff of the maintenance department to set up a special maintenance team for platform doors to solve the problem of platform doors failure, and carried out a comprehensive and systematic special fine tuning of platform doors. In the process, he taught by words and deeds instead of training. After a month and a half of efforts, not only the stability of the platform door was significantly improved, but also the skills of his teammates were significantly improved.

After several years of growth, Dongyu not only realized his own growth, but also brought out a team of professionals with combat effectiveness.

"Since you choose to wear this uniform, it means that you have accepted the job. Since you have accepted the job, you should do a good job, not for others, but only for yourself." This is a phrase Dongyu often says in the induction education for new employees. He believes that as long as he finds something he loves and devotes himself wholeheartedly, he can also make extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.

□ Reporter Zhou Meiyu Correspondent Zhang Qian

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