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Let the elderly in hospital enjoy the "one-stop" service of rehabilitation treatment
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Ma Jinhui, Director of Department of Geriatrics of Beijing Hepingli Hospital:
Let the elderly in hospital enjoy the "one-stop" service of rehabilitation treatment


"She's always busy," her son said of her. "She is my model," her colleagues said of her. "She is a good doctor," her patients praised her. She is Ma Jinhui, director of the Department of Geriatrics of Beijing Hepingli Hospital.

As the director of the geriatrics department of the hospital, Ma Jinhui has led the department to develop steadily over the years. In 2022, the Department of Geriatrics was approved as a special training and demonstration base for comprehensive assessment of the elderly, and established a comprehensive assessment clinic for the elderly. Ma Jinhui took the lead in setting up a multidisciplinary consultation team. Through "one-stop" service means such as integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine multidisciplinary treatment, elderly rehabilitation treatment, etc., all systemic diseases of patients can be comprehensively treated in one ward during hospitalization, so as to improve patients' comfort and sense of experience in medical treatment and improve the level of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine diagnosis and care in the department.

Ma Jinhui also took advantage of the rich medical resources in Dongcheng District to further carry out the work of medical union, orderly promote the clinical work of geriatrics department, optimize the diagnosis and treatment process of elderly patients, and realize the increase in the number of patients admitted and the improvement of treatment efficiency.

The elderly patients have poor eyes, poor hearing, and poor memory. Ma Jinhui always uses simple language to repeatedly tell the elderly the matters that need attention in the disease. Sometimes the family members come to her several times a day, or even more than a dozen times to understand her condition. She is always eager to communicate with patients and their families and patiently answer their questions.

Many elderly patients suffer from various chronic diseases for a long time. In addition, their children are busy with work. The elderly live a lonely life, and some will have depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc. In the process of treatment and nursing, Ma Jinhui led the medical staff to conduct a comprehensive assessment and treatment of the patients' psychological state, to talk with patients, understand their hearts, and empathize with them. She respects every patient, and will visit and condole the hospitalized patients on holidays. In her opinion, these works are helpful to the recovery of the patients' overall physical state.

As the secretary of the first party branch of internal medicine in Beijing Hepingli Hospital, Ma Jinhui adheres to the dual integration of "party building+business" and "traditional Chinese medicine+western medicine", standardizes the setting of party branches, and creates "competition+mutual assistance", "example+all" for common development. In her opinion, as the clinical party branch of the hospital, we should pay attention to the ideological and political work, and take "curing patients and serving well" as the basic work. Each party member of the branch must also practice internal skills and improve professional quality.

Under the leadership of Ma Jinhui, through the education of medical ethics and doctors' benevolence, doctors and nurses in the department of geriatrics always take "respecting and serving the elderly" as the purpose. In 2023, the Department of Geriatrics won the title of "Model Department" of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Not long ago, Ma Jinhui won the title of "Women's Meritorious Pacesetter in Dongcheng District".

□ Our reporter Sheng Li Correspondent Han Lei/Wen Correspondent Tian Yi/Photographer

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