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30000 steps a day to protect passengers
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Yan Xiaolong, police officer of South Railway Station of Beijing Railway Public Security Department:
30000 steps a day to protect passengers

Yan Xiaolong (right)

"The ticket check is at 13A, just go ahead" "The temporary boarding certificate is behind 18B, go to the public security card making window for handling"... Every morning when the shift is taken over, Yan Xiaolong, a police officer of Beijing South Railway Station Police Station of Beijing Railway Public Security Department, is busy. Investigate and deal with all kinds of illegal acts and meet the needs of passengers... Since he was transferred to the Beijing South Railway Station police station in 2021, he has patrolled 30000 steps every day to protect the safety of passengers.

As a police officer on duty, Yan Xiaolong is mainly responsible for the patrol, prevention and control, public security and order maintenance, and public security improvement in the waiting area of Beijing South Railway Station. "Eyeful, diligent and quick", Yan Xiaolong has summed up a lot of experience since he worked in the police station of Beijing South Railway Station for three years. After taking over the shift every day, in addition to learning about the change of train number and passenger flow of the day from the passenger transport department of the station, he also needs to make an inspection tour in the waiting area, which often takes half an hour. 30000 steps a day has become his normal work.

"Please prepare your ID cards in advance and queue up in order to check in." When maintaining order at the ticket gate, Yan Xiaolong always reminds passengers. Beijing South Railway Station has a large passenger flow. In addition to maintaining the public order in the station area, Yan Xiaolong also actively participates in the public order renovation work in the station area.

During the Spring Festival, Liu Chentao, a newly appointed police officer, was assigned to work with Yan Xiaolong. Changing into plain clothes, Yan Xiaolong and his little apprentice often "disappear" among the passengers. Once, when they were working near the underground self-service ticket office, a suspicious man appeared in sight and kept chatting up other passengers. Then he stopped to chat with a female passenger. With experience, Yan Xiaolong quickly came forward to control the man. After investigation, the man was selling train tickets to the passenger.

According to the suspect, he didn't have a train ticket. After chatting with passengers to understand their needs, he bought tickets online. Sometimes the train ticket of the day can be refunded, and he will increase the price when he buys it. It doesn't matter if he can't buy it. After bringing the suspect back to the police station, Yan Xiaolong and Liu Chentao started plain clothes work again.

Yan Xiaolong is cheerful and easy-going. In the eyes of new policemen, he is "omnipotent". He is also willing to share his work experience with new colleagues. Sometimes, when encountering some cases, Yan Xiaolong will take out his "police officer log" to analyze the details of the work recorded in it. "In addition to paying attention to the tail of the queue, passengers should also observe the suspicious people who turn back and forth with their bags on their backs" "When working in the parking lot, they should learn to find people by car"... Yan Xiaolong recorded it carefully in the "police log". He said that he liked to summarize after work and unconsciously accumulated a lot of experience.

The police often don't say hello in advance. On one occasion, Yan Xiaolong had just had dinner when he received the police from the command room of the police station. The G1566 passenger train was about to enter the station. A passenger was smoking in the train toilet, and was caught by the police on duty. He and his colleagues were required to go to the platform to pick up the train. Yan Xiaolong put down his chopsticks and trotted to the platform. When the train arrived, he took the smoking man back to the police station. When he finished his busy work, the meal was cold.

During the Spring Festival, Beijing South Railway Station has a large passenger flow and various situations emerge in endlessly. "Police comrade, someone is quarrelling over there." One time when on duty, a passenger found Yan Xiaolong to remind him. After hearing this, he and Liu Chentao rushed to deal with it. It turned out that there was a conflict between the two people due to queuing. After mediation, they finally shook hands and apologized to each other. Just after the dispute was settled, a woman anxiously went to Yan Xiaolong and called the police for help. She said that after going to the store to buy things, she found that her luggage on the seat was missing. After investigation, it turned out that the woman had misremembered her location. Yan Xiaolong finally found her luggage on the seat near the ticket gate.

Every night, the noisy Beijing South Railway Station gradually quiets down. "Tao Zi, let's make another round of inspection". After a short rest, Yan Xiaolong calls on his little apprentice to start the night inspection.

□ Reporter Zhou Meiyu Correspondent Liu Zhiwei

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