Version 07: Song of Beijing Workers
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Write "Audit Life" with ingenuity
Improve the quality of service for the old
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Zhu Guangna, Chief of Social Welfare Management Section of Shunyi District Social Work Committee and District Civil Affairs Bureau:
Improve the quality of service for the old


In the work of serving the elderly, Zhu Guangna, head of the Social Welfare Management Section of the Social Work Committee of the Shunyi District Party Committee and the District Civil Affairs Bureau, made every effort to improve the quality of the elderly care work in Shunyi District. She has visited various elderly care institutions in Shunyi District for many times to understand their operating conditions, difficulties and policy needs, and has taken a series of effective measures to enable the elderly to enjoy high-quality elderly care services.

In the process of carrying out the work of providing for the elderly in Shunyi District, Zhu Guangna's approach is very simple, that is, "do not wait, strengthen research, and actively explore". She has visited various elderly care institutions in Shunyi District for many times, listened carefully to the voices of the person in charge of the institution and the elderly recuperating, and recorded their opinions and suggestions in detail.

Through many field visits, Zhu Guangna gradually mastered a large number of first-hand data of elderly care institutions. On this basis, she clarified the development idea of "first improving the occupancy rate, then increasing the number of beds", and concentrated on the quality improvement and promotion of elderly care institutions. She took the lead in carrying out a special action to improve the quality of elderly care institutions in Shunyi District, further standardizing the services of elderly care institutions, and improving the software and hardware level of institutions.

Zhu Guangna also organized the elderly care institutions in the whole district to hold a forum on improving the occupancy rate, and invited institutions with high occupancy rate to introduce. At the symposium, we talked freely about our experience, methods, and mutual exchange and learning. In order to improve the awareness of the elderly about various elderly care institutions and accommodation subsidy policies, she also helped coordinate elderly care institutions to produce promotional videos, which were widely publicized on TV stations, village (community) bulletin boards, WeChat public accounts and other media in Shunyi District. Through a series of effective measures, the occupancy rate of elderly care institutions in Shunyi District has steadily increased.

Deeply study the idle social resources and transform them into pension institutions; Actively supervise and urge the community construction projects, timely hand over and bid to the public; Policies and measures for planning the construction of family care beds... After the occupancy rate of elderly care institutions in Shunyi District has been generally improved, Zhu Guangna has no leisure time, and she has shifted her focus to increasing elderly care beds and enriching service supply.

Zhu Guangna has carried out a reasonable layout for the construction of elderly care beds in the short, medium and long term in combination with the actual situation of Shunyi District. This approach not only ensures that the demand for social pension in the region in the short term is met, but also avoids the waste of resources. She also further planned long-term work in combination with the industrial layout, revitalized idle assets and reserved pension projects. In this way, through a number of measures, Zhu Guangna helped the development of elderly care institutions in Shunyi District, and also made the elderly enjoy better and more satisfactory services for the elderly.

□ Our reporter Sheng Li

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