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 Massive data coverage

Massive data coverage

Global POI:

Road coverage mileage:

Countries and regions:

200 million+

12 million km


 Rich data types

Rich data types

Covering POI, administrative divisions

Door address, boarding point and other data

 Multiple precision levels

Multiple precision levels

Support SD, LD, HD

Maps with different precision levels

 Intelligent and accurate collection

Intelligent and accurate collection

Big model enables intelligent map data

Acquisition and processing, more comprehensive and accurate data

 Rich customization capability

Rich customization capability

Easily customize color matching, texture and other elements,

Combine various visual effects to create a

Personalized map of business requirements

 Multi end flexible deployment

Multi end flexible deployment

Mobile end, PC end and other flexible calls

 Multiple network adaptation

Multiple network adaptation

Support cross network deployment

Meet the needs of private network users

 Domestic English map

Domestic English map

Including English base map rendering, English retrieval

English RGC, etc., to meet diversified user needs

Map cover

Customized drawing of points, lines and faces According to your business needs, customize the map coverage of points, lines, and areas on the base map to create a dedicated business map

Custom Layer Support to overlay the customized tile layer on the base map

Map visualization

One stop map visualization solution makes your map data appear "on the map"

View details

Map service fully enables your business

The business location is clear at a glance, improving the efficiency of location management

Accurately mark your business location on the map, support the display of different scales from the world to specific regions, more intuitively present the business distribution, and help improve management efficiency.

With a panoramic view of the surrounding environment, customer guidance is clearer

More clearly and truly show the surrounding environment of your business site, including real street scenes, bus stops, roads and other information, effectively help customers understand the surrounding environment and easily find important places, such as online car hailing boarding points, store locations, etc., to improve customer experience.

Keep the map style consistent and highlight the unique brand image

It supports user-defined color matching, texture and other map elements, so that the map displayed in your application or website is consistent with your brand, highlighting the brand image and strengthening the brand identity.

Skillful in fine management and optimizing the efficiency of resource allocation

The business data is presented on the map in a visual way, so that you can grasp the business situation more intuitively, provide you with more precise and accurate decision-making basis, and easily optimize business operations.

Baidu map service is being used by all walks of life

Find food, play, house and service outlets,
Baidu Maps empowers life services and finds beauty around you.

Eight products and services

Intelligent positioning
Route Navigation
Map image
dynamic data
Location Search
Data Intelligence
Track management
Map Agent

How to access Baidu map service?

Simple interface service only
Need more complex or customized services

If you only need a simple interface to realize application development based on Internet map, you can access it in three steps:

Step 1: Register an account
Register/log in to Baidu account
Step 2: Get the key (AK)
Create an application and obtain the key
Step 3: Integrate services
Integration service API, SDK, etc

If you need more complex or customized services (such as private network maps, smart car maps, time-space big data, etc.), you can fill in the following form or send the demand to the mailbox

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