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Driving route planning
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Interface description

Plan the driving route and time consumption according to the starting and ending coordinates, and support:

1. Support 10 waypoints

2. Support setting preferences: regular routes, no high-speed, avoiding congestion

3. Support the direction of the incoming starting point, assist in judging the positive and negative lane of the starting point, and assist in more accurate road calculation

API service address , 116.339303&destination=39.936404116.452562&ak=Your AK
//GET request

Request Parameters
Field Name Field Meaning Field Type Required remarks

Developer key, AK application

string yes
origin starting point double,double yes Start longitude and latitude, in the format of latitude and longitude; No more than 6 decimal places, 40.056878116.30815
destination End double,double yes Latitude and longitude of the end point, in the format of latitude and longitude; No more than 6 decimal places, 40.056878116.30815
origin_uid Starting point uid, POI uid (if the starting point POI uid is known, please fill in the uid as far as possible, which will improve the accuracy of route planning) string no
destination_uid End point uid, POI uid (If the starting point POI uid is known, please fill in the uid as far as possible, which will improve the accuracy of route planning) string no
plate_number license plate number string no
waypoints Waypoint string no It supports no more than 10 orderly waypoints. The coordinates of multiple passing points are separated by vertical line symbols in English in order, for example: 40.465116.314 | 40.232116.352 | 40.121116.453
tactics Route preference int no

Default value: 0.
Optional values:
0: Regular route (shortest time)
1: No expressway
2: Avoid congestion
3: Shortest distance
4: Minimal cost
5: Road priority
6: It means to avoid the ferry

origin_road_type Starting road type int no

Default value: 0.
Optional values:
0: Ordinary road
1. On an elevated road
2. Under viaduct
3. Main road
4. Auxiliary road

gps_direction Positioning direction of starting point int64 no The head direction is the clockwise included angle with the due north direction, and the value range is [0359]. This parameter is used to help judge the positive and negative lane of the starting point and improve the accuracy of road calculation. When speed>1.5m/s and gps_direction exists, this direction is adopted. Gps_direction does not mean to fill in the direction obtained from gps, but can fill in the corrected direction. Please fill in the direction as accurate as possible, which largely determines the accuracy of the calculation.
radius Positioning accuracy of starting point float no Used with the gps_direction field, the value range is [02000]
speed Travel speed of starting vehicle float no It is used in conjunction with the gps_direction field. Unit: m/s When speed>1.5 m/s and gps_direction exists, the direction of gps_direction is used
coord_type Enter coordinate type string no

Default bd09ll
Allowed values are:
Bd09ll: Baidu longitude and latitude coordinates
Bd09mc: Baidu Mercator coordinate
Gcj02: encrypted coordinates of the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Wgs84: coordinates obtained by gps equipment

ret_coordtype Output coordinate type string no

The coordinate type of the returned value. The default is Baidu longitude and latitude coordinate: bd09ll
Optional values:
Bd09ll: Baidu longitude and latitude coordinates
Gcj02: encrypted coordinates of the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping


User's permission signature. When AK is set to SN verification, this parameter is required SN calculation method

string no
timestamp Timestamp, used with SN string Required when SN exists

Whether to issue step details
1: Issue step details
0: Do not issue step details

int no
origin_bind_stategy Starting point binding strategy int no

Default value 0
0 - Road binding at the starting point does not exclude closed roads
1 - Road binding at the starting point, excluding closed roads

dest_bind_stategy End point binding strategy int no

Default value 0
0 - Road binding at the end does not exclude closed roads
1 - End road binding, excluding closed roads

Return parameters
Field Name Field Meaning remarks
status Status code 0: Success
1: Service internal error
2: Invalid parameter
7: No result returned
message Information corresponding to status code
result Results returned
lng Start Longitude
lat Start latitude
lng End Longitude
lat End latitude
routes Returned Scheme Set
distance Scheme distance, unit: m
duration Line time consumption, unit: seconds
toll Estimated toll of the route, unit: yuan
traffic_condition Overall road condition evaluation of the route Value range
0: No road condition
1: Unblocked
2: Go slowly
3: Congestion
4: Severe congestion
status Restricted status 0: unlimited
1: The route that has evaded the restriction is legal
2: Illegal routes that cannot evade traffic restrictions
steps Route segmentation
leg_index No. of waypoint The route point serial number is an integer starting from 0, which is used to identify the route section of the step
For example, if the step belongs to the section from the starting point to the first route, its leg_index is 0
direction Angle of access road Enumerated value, a value whose return value is between 0-11. There are 12 enumerated values in total, and each value represents an angle range of 30 degrees; Where, returning "0" means 345 degrees to 15 degrees, and so on, returning "11" means 315 degrees to 345 degrees; respectively, they mean: 0 - [345 ° - 15 °]; 1 - [15 ° - 45 °]; 2 - [45 ° - 75 °]; 3 - [75 ° - 105 °]; 4 - [105 ° - 135 °]; 5 - [135 ° - 165 °]; 6 - [165 ° - 195 °]; 7 - [195 ° - 225 °]; 8 - [225 ° - 255 °]; 9 - [255 ° - 285 °]; 10 - [285 ° - 315 °]; 11 - [315 ° - 345 °]
Note: The angle is the clockwise angle from the true north direction
turn Motorized steering points, including eight directions of reference, roundabout, divergence, etc Enumeration value, which returns a value between 0 and 16, a total of 17 enumeration values. The meanings respectively represent:
0: Invalid
1: Straight
2: Turn right ahead
3: Turn right
4: Right rear turn
5: Turn around
6: Left rear turn
7: Turn left
8: Left front turn
9: Left
10: Right
11: Divergence - Left
12: Center of disagreement
13: Divergence Right
14: Roundabout
15: Ferry entrance
16: Ferry exit
distance Section distance Unit: m
duration Section time Unit: second
Road_type (This field will be discarded later and replaced by road_types) Segmented road type Enumeration value: return values between 0-9
0: Expressway
1: Urban expressway
2: National highway
3: Provincial highway
4: County road
5: Township and village roads
6: Other roads
7: Jiuji Road
8: Route (ferry)
9: Pedestrian road
road_types List of road types traversed by the section If passing through multiple road sections, they will be separated by English comma ",", such as:
-This section successively passes through two types of roads: national road and provincial road, so road_types: "2,3"
-This section only passes through the expressway, then
The value range of road_types:
0: Expressway
1: Urban expressway
2: National highway
3: Provincial highway
4: County road
5: Township and village roads
6: Other roads
7: Jiuji Road
8: Route (ferry)
9: Pedestrian road
instruction Section description
lng Segment Start Longitude
lat Segment start latitude
lng Segment End Longitude
lat Segment end latitude
path Piecewise coordinate
traffic_condition Section road condition details
Road condition index Value range
0: No road condition
1: Unblocked
2: Go slowly
3: Congestion
4: Severe congestion
Starting from the current coordinate point, the number of coordinate points with the same road conditions in the path
Sample code
Fill in your AK

Enter AK to generate codes containing IP/SN verification methods

< ? php
//Fill in the AK you obtained after creating an app in Console - App Management here
$ak = 'Your AK' ;
//Initiate an http get request and return the result of the request
//The $url field is the requested address
//The $param field is the requested parameter
function request_get ( $url = '' , $param = array ( ) ) {
if ( empty ( $url ) || empty ( $param ) ) {
return false ;
$getUrl = $url . "?" . http_build_query ( $param ) ;
$curl = curl_init ( ) ; //Initialize curl
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , false ) ; //Skip certificate check
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST , two ) ; //Check whether the SSL encryption algorithm exists from the certificate
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_URL , $getUrl ) ; //Grab the specified webpage
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , one thousand ) ; //Set timeout for 1s
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , one ) ; //Curl does not output directly to the screen
curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_HEADER , zero ) ; //Set header
$data = curl_exec ( $curl ) ; //Run curl
if ( ! $data ) {
print ( "an error occured in function request_get(): " . curl_error ( $curl ) . "\n" ) ;
curl_close ( $curl ) ;
return $data ;
//Request address
$url = ' ' ;
//Construction request parameters
$param [ 'origin' ] = '40.01116,116.339303' ;
$param [ 'destination' ] = '39.936404,116.452562' ;
$param [ 'ak' ] = $ak ;
$res = request_get ( $url , $param ) ;
//Print the original returned results
print ( "The original return result of the request is: n" ) ;
print ( $res . "\n" ) ;
? >
"status" : zero ,
"message" : "ok" ,
"result" : {
"origin" : {
"lng" : one hundred and sixteen point three three nine three zero three ,
"lat" : forty point zero one one one six zero zero six nine zero zero three
} ,
"destination" : {
"lng" : one hundred and sixteen point four five two five six two ,
"lat" : thirty-nine point nine three six four zero four zero seven five three two
} ,
"routes" : [
"route_md5" : "7242503eaa561373b57b2006ea8eb5b2" ,
"distance" : seventeen thousand five hundred and eighty-five ,
"duration" : three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven ,
"traffic_condition" : two ,
"toll" : zero ,
"restriction_info" : {
"status" : zero
} ,
"steps" : [
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and four ,
"duration" : fifteen ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Depart from the starting point</b>to the east, drive 100 meters, turn right</b>and enter into<b>Mingde Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.33964557069,40.01051873416;116.34000633018,40.010546434696;116.34087804585,40.010561355679" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.33964557069" ,
"lat" : "40.01051873416"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34087804585" ,
"lat" : "40.010561355679"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and thirty-two ,
"duration" : twenty-one ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : seven ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Mingde Road</b>for 130 meters, turn left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.34087804585,40.010561355679;116.34092880011,40.009611310826;116.34091891875,40.009371397007" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34087804585" ,
"lat" : "40.010561355679"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34091891875" ,
"lat" : "40.009371397007"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : two hundred and twenty-eight ,
"duration" : forty-two ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 230 meters,<b>turn right</b>to enter the<b>Heqing Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.34091891875,40.009371397007;116.3418805548,40.009336649844;116.34238127029,40.009304527699;116.34249149238,40.00930411322;116.34334245719,40.009311090289;116.34351268608,40.009320554234;116.34361275732,40.009320277914" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : six
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34091891875" ,
"lat" : "40.009371397007"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34361275732" ,
"lat" : "40.009320277914"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and seventy-five ,
"duration" : seventy-three ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : seven ,
"road_type" : five ,
"road_types" : "5" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Heqing Road</b>for 380m, turn left</b>and enter into<b>Qinghua East Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.34361275732,40.009320277914;116.34363305902,40.008830361628;116.34368390311,40.007600443365;116.3436941438,40.007110514637;116.34370420482,40.007050482236;116.3437447184,40.006150542489;116.34383481844,40.006060319882;116.34394495069,40.006060043549" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : seven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34361275732" ,
"lat" : "40.009320277914"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34394495069" ,
"lat" : "40.006060043549"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two ,
"duration" : three hundred and eighty-five ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "5,4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Qinghua East Road</b>for 2.0km,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.34394495069,40.006060043549;116.34451537469,40.006088713073;116.34480552737,40.006148193663;116.34510565124,40.006197657156;116.34522575469,40.006217483993;116.34618604328,40.006246637032;116.3465459943,40.006266532938;116.34665603672,40.006256515903;116.34691600634,40.006266602021;116.34725592514,40.006266740187; 116.34771585756,40.006297067615; 116.34901507682,40.006329260269; 116.3495345669,40.006350537808; 116.35009403157,40.006362212819; 116.35050347922,40.006373680579; 116.35055342501,40.006373818745; 116.35162186958,40.006408360179; 116.35194130702,40.006419897015; 116.352001224,40.006420173346; 116.35310910418,40.006466389749; 116.35428642339,40.006504178026; 116.35497461524,40.006529324144; 116.35537355271,40.006552466853; 116.35557297654,40.006564072747; 116.35711815184,40.006607871159; 116.35761653174,40.00662279301; 116.35838377448,40.006650633305; 116.35892176965,40.006676470194; 116.35909110024,40.006688352396; 116.35925054946,40.006690148543; 116.35945967499,40.00669249735; 116.35962900558,40.006704448632; 116.35989795825,40.006707557346; 116.36055524839,40.006745483653; 116.36093361467,40.006760129143; 116.36163052008,40.006799022575; 116.3625661951,40.00684150827; 116.36294438172,40.006856706399; 116.36400923307,40.006911834126; 116.36464595202,40.006941194113; 116.36674475301,40.007033626178" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : forty
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.34394495069" ,
"lat" : "40.006060043549"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.36674475301" ,
"lat" : "40.007033626178"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : four hundred and ninety-seven ,
"duration" : ninety-five ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Tsinghua East Road</b>for 500 meters,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.36674475301,40.007033626178;116.36719228882,40.007060775482;116.3675900585,40.007077286122;116.36804747566,40.007094832991;116.36819659438,40.007097319948;116.36828606561,40.007108787584;116.36846509789,40.007111758116;116.36996625623,40.007187333928;116.37123861616,40.007239629024;116.37132799755,40.00724121791;116.37142743997,40.00724294496; 116.37146714508,40.00724363578; 116.37170573502,40.007247918864; 116.37190453003,40.007251442046; 116.37254062016,40.007282874344" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : fourteen
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.36674475301" ,
"lat" : "40.007033626178"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37254062016" ,
"lat" : "40.007282874344"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and twenty ,
"duration" : fifty-eight ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Qinghua East Road</b>for 320 meters, turn right</b>and enter the<b>G6 auxiliary road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.37254062016,40.007282874344;116.37281882538,40.007297865128;116.37327597305,40.007316102759;116.37354429691,40.007340972247;116.37360394439,40.007342077557;116.37412073955,40.007361489568;116.37479644496,40.00739381988;116.37590935565,40.007454266468;116.37626715074,40.007460829237" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : eight
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37254062016" ,
"lat" : "40.007282874344"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37626715074" ,
"lat" : "40.007460829237"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and fifty-three ,
"duration" : sixty-eight ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : five ,
"road_types" : "5" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the<b>G6 auxiliary road</b>for 350m,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.37626715074,40.007460829237;116.37665494923,40.006998048829;116.37666492042,40.00697822222;116.37742057501,40.006022324108;116.37782831589,40.005489897448;116.37837520428,40.004769971468" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : five
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37626715074" ,
"lat" : "40.007460829237"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37837520428" ,
"lat" : "40.004769971468"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : forty-seven ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : four ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : five ,
"road_types" : "5" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 50 meters,<b>straight ahead</b>enter the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>" ,
"path" : "116.37837520428,40.004769971468;116.37878276549,40.004497501565" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37837520428" ,
"lat" : "40.004769971468"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37878276549" ,
"lat" : "40.004497501565"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : four hundred and eleven ,
"duration" : seventy-nine ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : zero ,
"road_types" : "0" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>for 410 meters, toward the<b>North Fourth Ring Road, the Asian Games Village, Zhongguancun</b>,<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.37878276549,40.004497501565;116.37987645245,40.003087535205;116.38005548474,40.002870811329;116.38122867173,40.00136208443" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : three
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.37878276549" ,
"lat" : "40.004497501565"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38122867173" ,
"lat" : "40.00136208443"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : five hundred and thirty-five ,
"duration" : one hundred and five ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : zero ,
"road_types" : "0" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>for 540 meters, toward the<b>North Third Ring Road, Madian Bridge, G6, Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38122867173,40.00136208443;116.38148720406,40.001036679178;116.38274986228,39.99939898961;116.38327689813,39.998578195436;116.38346581177,39.998191423825;116.38363487287,39.997784337065;116.38386358145,39.997078285846" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : six
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38122867173" ,
"lat" : "40.00136208443"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38386358145" ,
"lat" : "39.997078285846"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : six hundred and ninety-seven ,
"duration" : one hundred and thirty-seven ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : zero ,
"road_types" : "0" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>for 700 meters, toward the<b>North 3rd Ring Road, G6, Beijing Tibet Expressway, G110 direction</b>,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38386358145,39.997078285846;116.38416181888,39.996093366997;116.38457935128,39.994700361217;116.3846887649,39.99434217287;116.38506641253,39.993058372687;116.38538441268,39.991903553605;116.38554332293,39.991336121378;116.38564267552,39.990987727244" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : seven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38386358145" ,
"lat" : "39.997078285846"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38564267552" ,
"lat" : "39.990987727244"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one thousand six hundred and seven ,
"duration" : three hundred and sixteen ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : zero ,
"road_types" : "0" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>for 1.6km, toward the<b>North 2nd Ring Road, the direction of Deshengmenqiao</b>, and keep<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38564267552,39.990987727244;116.38596067567,39.989932791046;116.38605993843,39.989594340098;116.38677507944,39.987085410908;116.3869240185,39.986557672627;116.387053105,39.98607961573;116.38728145426,39.985263013779;116.38743030348,39.984725241089;116.38748986114,39.984496088644;116.38752956624,39.984336731873;116.38760897645,39.983977866792; 116.38763871036,39.983798260774; 116.38766844427,39.983628674663; 116.38768820699,39.983408986075; 116.38771794091,39.983169324985; 116.38771749175,39.98257922159; 116.38769736971,39.982168862085; 116.3876773375,39.981988491089; 116.38761724086,39.981347444537; 116.38754717303,39.980776192038; 116.38745716282,39.980034648527; 116.3874371306,39.979854271852; 116.38736697294,39.979253081913; 116.38732699835,39.978932339128; 116.38722683728,39.978100584717; 116.38719683388,39.977830080917; 116.38706657958,39.976727735672" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : twenty-six
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38564267552" ,
"lat" : "39.990987727244"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38706657958" ,
"lat" : "39.976727735672"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and eighty-six ,
"duration" : thirty-one ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : zero ,
"road_types" : "0" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>Beijing Tibet Expressway</b>for 190 meters,<b>straight ahead</b>to enter the<b>Beijing Qingdao Line</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38706657958,39.976727735672;116.38687631847,39.975204327244;116.38686625745,39.975104110899;116.38685628626,39.975063955205" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : three
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38706657958" ,
"lat" : "39.976727735672"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38685628626" ,
"lat" : "39.975063955205"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and fifty-four ,
"duration" : sixty-eight ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "0,1" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the<b>Beijing Qingdao Line</b>for 350 meters,<b>go straight</b>and enter the<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38685628626,39.975063955205;116.386816132,39.974673248045;116.38680607098,39.974573030915;116.38679600996,39.974432864915;116.38677597775,39.97429249128;116.38674588451,39.973991906874;116.38671588111,39.973791401336;116.3866958489,39.973600986187;116.38667581668,39.97345065806;116.38666575566,39.97332044253;116.38665569464,39.973240267238; 116.38662560141,39.972999740795; 116.38658553698,39.972669015543; 116.38654538272,39.972298200462; 116.38651537932,39.972047648585; 116.38648537592,39.971887156661" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : one
} ,
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : fourteen
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38685628626" ,
"lat" : "39.975063955205"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38648537592" ,
"lat" : "39.971887156661"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and seventy-nine ,
"duration" : thirty-one ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 180 meters along<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>, and drive to the direction of<b>Rendinghu Xili, Xinwai Street, Second Ring Road, Deshengmenqiao</b>,<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38648537592,39.971887156661;116.38643516064,39.971376164987;116.38629484532,39.970283598926" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : one
} ,
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38648537592" ,
"lat" : "39.971887156661"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38629484532" ,
"lat" : "39.970283598926"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and thirty ,
"duration" : sixty-three ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>for 330 meters, toward the<b>Second Ring Road, Deshengmenqiao, G110 direction</b>,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38629484532,39.970283598926;116.38625478089,39.969932884737;116.38594387735,39.967317055396" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38629484532" ,
"lat" : "39.970283598926"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38594387735" ,
"lat" : "39.967317055396"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one thousand and ninety-three ,
"duration" : two hundred and eleven ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "1,4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 1.1 km,<b>straight ahead</b>enter the<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38594387735,39.967317055396;116.38591378412,39.967056462284;116.38589375191,39.966876051081;116.38587362986,39.966665708984;116.3858034722,39.96608437893;116.38575334676,39.965683389623;116.38572307386,39.965292766663;116.38571301284,39.965102535024;116.38570286199,39.964972372589;116.38569271113,39.964752139668; 116.38568238062,39.964281809341; 116.38567178062,39.963661402429; 116.38570052639,39.962541544948; 116.3857002569,39.962311487986; 116.38573807556,39.960231400288; 116.38574786709,39.960101574155; 116.38574786709,39.960081526434; 116.38576655185,39.958791477697; 116.3857561315,39.958271123675; 116.38569621453,39.957930025887; 116.38559659244,39.957718342531; 116.38554673649,39.957597498829; 116.38548699917,39.95751654449" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : twenty-one
} ,
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38594387735" ,
"lat" : "39.967317055396"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38548699917" ,
"lat" : "39.95751654449"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : fifty-six ,
"duration" : ten ,
"direction" : seven ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>for 60m,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38548699917,39.95751654449;116.38531775841,39.957293660311;116.38519819395,39.957061649823" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38548699917" ,
"lat" : "39.95751654449"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38519819395" ,
"lat" : "39.957061649823"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and thirty-two ,
"duration" : twenty-one ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : seven ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Deshengmenwai Street</b>for 130 meters, and turn left</b>to enter<b>Deshengmenwai Street, Changqiao, Gulou West Street, and Gulou direction</b>." ,
"path" : "116.38519819395,39.957061649823;116.38516828038,39.956921101963;116.38515830919,39.956860955963;116.38514824816,39.956770736863;116.3851480685,39.956580688725;116.38512785663,39.956160216563;116.38509785322,39.956009711507;116.38505796846,39.9558690232" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : seven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38519819395" ,
"lat" : "39.957061649823"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38505796846" ,
"lat" : "39.9558690232"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and forty ,
"duration" : twenty-six ,
"direction" : four ,
"turn" : fourteen ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Deshengmen Bridge</b>for 140 meters,<b>take the second exit from the roundabout</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38505796846,39.9558690232;116.38519711598,39.955741262754;116.38542555507,39.955464931573;116.38544540763,39.955445228156;116.38548511273,39.955335856804;116.38549490426,39.955176016684;116.38550460596,39.954876038903;116.38551439749,39.954726153219" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : three
} ,
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : four
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38505796846" ,
"lat" : "39.9558690232"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38551439749" ,
"lat" : "39.954726153219"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : forty-eight ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : seven ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Deshengmen Bridge</b>for 50 meters, and turn left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38551439749,39.954726153219;116.38556407378,39.954636968314;116.38565354501,39.954558430192;116.38573304505,39.954509689499;116.38582251628,39.954491161112;116.38591198751,39.95446260803" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : five
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38551439749" ,
"lat" : "39.954726153219"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38591198751" ,
"lat" : "39.95446260803"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and eighty-three ,
"duration" : thirty-one ,
"direction" : two ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along<b>Deshengmen Bridge</b>for 180 meters,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38591198751,39.95446260803;116.38607116724,39.954515151223;116.38614078592,39.954546262306;116.38619055205,39.954577096831;116.38623034698,39.954607723936;116.38631002668,39.954749037078;116.38648905897,39.954751871635;116.38656864884,39.954753185209;116.38707592196,39.95477116044;116.38753342895,39.954788236905; 116.38765281376,39.954790034427; 116.38788161217,39.954803515843" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : eleven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38591198751" ,
"lat" : "39.95446260803"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38788161217" ,
"lat" : "39.954803515843"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : thirty-six ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : two ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>Deshengmen Bridge</b>for 40 meters,<b>straight ahead</b>into the<b>Deshengmen East Street</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38788161217,39.954803515843;116.38816026654,39.954877767288;116.38827965134,39.954919594183" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38788161217" ,
"lat" : "39.954803515843"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38827965134" ,
"lat" : "39.954919594183"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and forty-four ,
"duration" : twenty-six ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : ten ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Deshengmen East Street</b>for 140 meters,<b>keep to the right</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38827965134,39.954919594183;116.38866771932,39.954915307792;116.38897619743,39.954919870724;116.38937414677,39.954925608957;116.38984189445,39.954932176814;116.38997134028,39.954943998954" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : five
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38827965134" ,
"lat" : "39.954919594183"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38997134028" ,
"lat" : "39.954943998954"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : two hundred and eighty ,
"duration" : fifty-two ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue driving along<b>Deshengmen East Street</b>for 280 meters,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.38997134028,39.954943998954;116.39113590354,39.954969786423;116.3932369503,39.955005944171" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : two
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.38997134028" ,
"lat" : "39.954943998954"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.3932369503" ,
"lat" : "39.955005944171"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : thirty-seven ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : two ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 40 meters,<b>straight ahead</b>enter the<b>North Second Ring Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.3932369503,39.955005944171;116.39362555726,39.955150436699" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.3932369503" ,
"lat" : "39.955005944171"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.39362555726" ,
"lat" : "39.955150436699"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one thousand three hundred and ninety-four ,
"duration" : two hundred and seventy-four ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the<b>North 2nd Ring Road</b>for 1.4 km, toward the<b>Andingmen Bridge, the Yonghegong Bridge</b>,<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.39362555726,39.955150436699;116.39552861748,39.95519067332;116.39610667708,39.95519627326;116.39626612631,39.955197794231;116.3973728387,39.9552275223;116.3978215423,39.955231186456;116.39830033914,39.955234850613;116.39868930542,39.955237754283;116.39964707876,39.955254208416;116.39981676867,39.955255245441;116.40047540627,39.955269141575; 116.40105436417,39.955272183514; 116.40197288155,39.955276469883; 116.40367094846,39.955312212657; 116.40493010329,39.955324726081; 116.40678977536,39.955325624835; 116.40994192939,39.955349614651" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : sixteen
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.39362555726" ,
"lat" : "39.955150436699"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.40994192939" ,
"lat" : "39.955349614651"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : seven hundred and ninety-eight ,
"duration" : one hundred and fifty-three ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>North Second Ring</b>for 800 meters, toward the<b>Yonghegong Bridge, the small street bridge</b>,<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.40994192939,39.955349614651;116.4115141437,39.955353140531;116.41181462689,39.955351688698;116.41219532876,39.955349614651;116.41702794292,39.955362957686;116.41780066532,39.955385288252;116.41930631518,39.955409001508" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : six
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.40994192939" ,
"lat" : "39.955349614651"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.41930631518" ,
"lat" : "39.955409001508"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : seven hundred and sixty-seven ,
"duration" : one hundred and forty-seven ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive 770 meters along the<b>North Second Ring</b>, toward the<b>Small Street Bridge, Dongzhimen Bridge</b>,<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.41930631518,39.955409001508;116.42076228875,39.955441633146;116.42142514839,39.955453247794;116.42291202367,39.955483390559;116.42311297461,39.955480625168;116.42331392555,39.955487815184;116.42459032785,39.955509385227;116.42638981345,39.95555190308;116.42669146444,39.955557088182;116.42673170853,39.95555646597;116.42708366463,39.95556089059; 116.42834066353,39.955580386569" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : one
} ,
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : ten
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.41930631518" ,
"lat" : "39.955409001508"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.42834066353" ,
"lat" : "39.955580386569"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : five hundred and eighty-eight ,
"duration" : one hundred and sixteen ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive 590 meters along the<b>North Second Ring</b>, toward the direction of the 40 east bridges, the Dongzhimen Bridge, and Min'an Street</b>,<b>keep to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.42834066353,39.955580386569;116.43076492061,39.955629195628;116.43194206015,39.955648553319;116.43223382978,39.955643368224;116.43324002178,39.955665491294;116.43369276775,39.955667357928;116.43447761728,39.955673165232;116.43527261765,39.955688789644" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : seven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.42834066353" ,
"lat" : "39.955580386569"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43527261765" ,
"lat" : "39.955688789644"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : three hundred and forty-nine ,
"duration" : sixty-eight ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>North Second Ring</b>for 350 meters, and then go straight into the<b>East Second Ring</b>" ,
"path" : "116.43527261765,39.955688789644;116.43710408293,39.955695564831;116.43756688993,39.955637146109;116.43847238188,39.955380656216;116.43878418372,39.955234988883;116.43916632289,39.954997993616" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : two
} ,
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : three
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43527261765" ,
"lat" : "39.955688789644"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43916632289" ,
"lat" : "39.954997993616"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and twenty-three ,
"duration" : twenty-one ,
"direction" : four ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the<b>East Second Ring</b>for 120 meters, toward the<b>Dongzhimen Bridge, the 40 bridges in the east</b>, and keep the<b>to the left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.43916632289,39.954997993616;116.43936745349,39.954844374888;116.43965904346,39.954559052414;116.43998063683,39.954083120517" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : two ,
"geo_cnt" : three
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43916632289" ,
"lat" : "39.954997993616"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43998063683" ,
"lat" : "39.954083120517"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one thousand one hundred and twelve ,
"duration" : two hundred and sixteen ,
"direction" : five ,
"turn" : two ,
"road_type" : one ,
"road_types" : "1" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive along the<b>East Second Ring Road</b>for 1.1 km, and turn right ahead</b>" ,
"path" : "116.43998063683,39.954083120517;116.44015131488,39.953669961359;116.44024141492,39.953078218483;116.44018976235,39.951268665928;116.44018958269,39.951028614679;116.44018949286,39.950838550458;116.44016874201,39.949928668528;116.44016865218,39.94987867998;116.44016847251,39.949488588279;116.4401872471,39.947377822788;116.4402172505,39.947017171803; 116.44022713186,39.946726976358; 116.44026674714,39.945396016426; 116.44033663531,39.944084529677" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : five
} ,
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : eight
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.43998063683" ,
"lat" : "39.954083120517"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44033663531" ,
"lat" : "39.944084529677"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : thirty-one ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : seven ,
"turn" : one ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 30 meters,<b>straight ahead</b>enter the<b>Dongzhimen South Street</b>" ,
"path" : "116.44033663531,39.944084529677;116.4401754793,39.943837400059" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : three ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44033663531" ,
"lat" : "39.944084529677"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.4401754793" ,
"lat" : "39.943837400059"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : two hundred and twelve ,
"duration" : thirty-six ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : ten ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along<b>Dongzhimen South Street</b>for 210m,<b>keep to the right</b>" ,
"path" : "116.4401754793,39.943837400059;116.44019551151,39.943416987226;116.44021545389,39.943016555411;116.44021545389,39.942926525346;116.44021536406,39.942816511487;116.44022542508,39.942636312411;116.44022533525,39.942586318492;116.44024527764,39.941935910155" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : seven
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.4401754793" ,
"lat" : "39.943837400059"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44024527764" ,
"lat" : "39.941935910155"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : four hundred and forty-three ,
"duration" : eighty-four ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : fourteen ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Continue to drive 440 meters along the<b>Dongzhimen South Street</b>, toward the<b>Workers Stadium North Road, the direction of Workers Stadium</b>, and take the 4th exit from the roundabout</b>to enter the<b>Workers Stadium North Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.44024527764,39.941935910155;116.44027537087,39.941655304676;116.44020494372,39.941626607895;116.44016469963,39.941547294077;116.44016451997,39.940997280971;116.44018455218,39.940686868037;116.44018446235,39.940196801333;116.44016425048,39.940037202156;116.44013406741,39.940017701711;116.43989260289,39.939822005445; 116.43987248085,39.939742343764; 116.43988245204,39.939552178785; 116.43992269613,39.939431441034; 116.43998306226,39.939360353644; 116.44010379452,39.93926817504; 116.44021446576,39.939226200195; 116.44025470984,39.939205523944; 116.44034525904,39.939193906516; 116.44038550313,39.939193145851; 116.44087849319,39.93922440226; 116.44091873728,39.939233737689; 116.44103946954,39.939241551788; 116.4411602018,39.939299431414; 116.44134130019,39.93946629319; 116.44138163411,39.939555567183" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : twenty-four
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44024527764" ,
"lat" : "39.941935910155"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44138163411" ,
"lat" : "39.939555567183"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : two hundred and thirteen ,
"duration" : thirty-six ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : nine ,
"road_type" : four ,
"road_types" : "4" ,
"instruction" : "Drive for 210m along<b>Workers Stadium North Road</b>,<b>keep to the left</b>and enter the auxiliary road of<b>Workers Stadium North Road</b>" ,
"path" : "116.44138163411,39.939555567183;116.44203551069,39.939554115013;116.44250837871,39.939545886043;116.44314204341,39.939535029335;116.44388637936,39.939542359342" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : four
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44138163411" ,
"lat" : "39.939555567183"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44388637936" ,
"lat" : "39.939542359342"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : six hundred and eighty-six ,
"duration" : one hundred and thirty-one ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : seven ,
"road_types" : "4,5,7" ,
"instruction" : "Drive along the auxiliary road of Workers Stadium North Road</b>for 690m, and turn right</b>" ,
"path" : "116.44388637936,39.939542359342;116.44495248834,39.939534614429;116.44522404609,39.939530188764;116.44544529874,39.939526523759;116.44631000762,39.939502666652;116.44878295286,39.939464979319;116.44944626165,39.939465394226;116.45004911448,39.939456957793;116.45027018747,39.939443888235;116.45027018747,39.939363880354; 116.45037061802,39.939362497331; 116.45117433196,39.939361736668; 116.4513752829,39.939359108922; 116.45186737466,39.939352816163" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : one ,
"geo_cnt" : ten
} ,
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : three
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.44388637936" ,
"lat" : "39.939542359342"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45186737466" ,
"lat" : "39.939352816163"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : forty-two ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : six ,
"turn" : seven ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 40 meters, turn left</b>" ,
"path" : "116.45186737466,39.939352816163;116.45186737466,39.939312777606;116.45186737466,39.939152761442;116.45187743568,39.939072684067;116.45188740688,39.93897255264" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : four
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45186737466" ,
"lat" : "39.939352816163"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45188740688" ,
"lat" : "39.93897255264"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : fifty-one ,
"duration" : five ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 50 meters, turn right</b>" ,
"path" : "116.45188740688,39.93897255264;116.45248999021,39.938945030302" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : one
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45188740688" ,
"lat" : "39.93897255264"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45248999021" ,
"lat" : "39.938945030302"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and fifty-one ,
"duration" : twenty-six ,
"direction" : three ,
"turn" : three ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 150 meters,<b>turn right</b>" ,
"path" : "116.45248999021,39.938945030302;116.4526807903,39.938942679147;116.45273100558,39.938882102302;116.45270082251,39.938502458511;116.45267063945,39.938432822343;116.45266057843,39.938292927422;116.45272085473,39.93821215751;116.45282119545,39.938020950955;116.45298190231,39.937808998033" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : eight
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45248999021" ,
"lat" : "39.938945030302"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45298190231" ,
"lat" : "39.937808998033"
} ,
"leg_index" : zero ,
"distance" : one hundred and sixty-nine ,
"duration" : thirty-one ,
"direction" : eight ,
"turn" : zero ,
"road_type" : six ,
"road_types" : "6" ,
"instruction" : "Drive 170 meters to the<b>end point</b>(on the left side of the road</b>)" ,
"path" : "116.45298190231,39.937808998033;116.45269067166,39.937532524679;116.45252996481,39.937314484744;116.45239935119,39.936996033153;116.45235919693,39.936696528241;116.45234913591,39.936596669926;116.45238929016,39.936406150364" ,
"traffic_condition" : [
"status" : zero ,
"geo_cnt" : six
] ,
"start_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45298190231" ,
"lat" : "39.937808998033"
} ,
"end_location" : {
"lng" : "116.45238929016" ,
"lat" : "39.936406150364"
Online operation
parameter value remarks Mandatory
40.01116,116.339303 yes
39.936404,116.452562 yes


Preparation for use


Cycling route planning

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