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      Lanling: organize and carry out "drowning prevention" safety knowledge publicity activities

      Released on July 5, 2023 at 12:18:58, Long term effective , 113 Browse
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    Published: 2023-04-23 Source: Linyi Civilization Network

    With the temperature rising, drowning accidents are about to enter a high incidence season. In order to enhance the safety awareness of minors and effectively prevent drowning accidents, Lanling County Civil Affairs Bureau, together with the Great Wall Town Juvenile Protection Workstation, Social Work Station, Lanqing Rescue Team and other units, carried out a campaign to publicize the knowledge of drowning prevention safety in the Great Wall Town Children Star Experimental School. Official Doc Zhe, member of the Party Leadership Group of the County Civil Affairs Bureau and director of the Charity Development Service Center, attended the event and gave a speech. More than 600 people participated in the activity, including the staff of the participating units and all the teachers and students of Tongxing Experimental School.

    In his speech, the official philosopher introduced the purpose of this activity to all teachers and students, and emphasized that we should pay attention to improving students' ability to "know danger and be able to avoid danger", firmly establish the concept of "life first, safety first", continue to strengthen the safety awareness of primary and secondary school students against drowning, and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of drowning tragedies involving learning. At the same time, we call on children to start from themselves, strictly abide by the school disciplines, always pay attention to personal safety, cherish life, and beware of drowning.

    In the activity, the students were introduced to the knowledge of drowning safety, how to prevent drowning accidents and how to save themselves and each other when encountering drowning in detail by issuing anti drowning safety education paper, watching anti drowning propaganda videos, anti drowning knowledge answers, cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid teaching and on-site demonstration of life-saving equipment, and so on, so as to improve their learning interest through interaction, Let the students fully realize the importance of preventing drowning.

    Through the activities, the children's awareness of drowning prevention and self-protection ability were further improved, and a solid defense line was built to ensure the children's life safety. This is also an active exploration for Lanling County to build a new model of "order based" social services.

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    Initial website: http://lanling.yunhaoren.com/bendizixun/13522.html
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     Lanling: organize and carry out "drowning prevention" safety knowledge publicity activities  Lanling: organize and carry out "drowning prevention" safety knowledge publicity activities

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