Urban area of Liulin County

    essential information

    • Parcel No.: MD-3-1
    • Region: Luliang>Liulin County
    • Location and four boundaries: Urban area of Liulin County
    • Land use nature: Residential land
    • Transfer method: Listing
    • Construction land area: 󏧠󏧠󏧠󆎭㎡
    • Planned building area: 󍎮󄶬󄶬󆎭.󅫼󄶬㎡
    • Plot ratio: --
    • Height Limited: ≤ 󏧠 󁫔. 󄶬 󄶬 m
    • Greening rate: --
    • Building density: ≤󆎭󁫔.󄶬󄶬%

    Luliang transaction price trend

    Average floor price (yuan/m2)

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