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      Li Shengting, a good man in Laiyang, donated blood 163 times in 17 years and agreed to donate his body with his wife!

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    Qilu Yidian 2019-06-07

    On June 7, the Qilu Evening News Qilu One o'clock reporter learned from Yantai Blood Station that Li Shengting, a 60 year old man, donated 163 times of blood in 17 years, including 7400 ml of whole blood and 275 therapeutic doses of platelets. According to the provisions of the Blood Donation Law of the People's Republic of China on the age limit of blood donors, the last blood donation in his life was on June 5.

    Donating blood for free, persevering for 17 years
    On the morning of June 5, in the thunderstorm, old Li Shengting got up at three o'clock in the morning, washed his wife who was paralyzed in bed and could not take care of himself, cooked breakfast and fed. It was already five o'clock in the morning, so that he could go out safely.

    In July 2003, when Li Shengting passed the street of the cotton mill in the town when he was going to the market, he saw someone at the gate of the factory promoting free blood donation. He was curious to get to know. The staff on the blood collection vehicle patiently and carefully explained to him the country's legal provisions on unpaid blood and the care that unpaid blood donors can enjoy when using blood in the hospital in the future. Li Shengting was very moved. He thought to himself that now he has donated blood to help others. In the future, if he needs blood in hospital, he can help himself with the blood donated by others. Why not? After listening to the staff's explanation, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and donated 200 ml of whole blood without hesitation.
    Three months later, Li Shengting found that he was not any different, but felt extremely fresh, and he was more convinced of the medical knowledge about blood donation explained by the blood station staff. The second time, he took the initiative to go to the blood station by bike and donated 400 ml of whole blood. This time, he learned from the blood station staff that platelets can be collected once every 15 days. Platelets can help blood clot in patients with leukemia. After hearing this, he made a decision in his heart that he would do more useful things for the society, and he would insist on donating platelets to save more people.
    With the simple and simple idea of "donating blood to save people", he insisted on this for 17 years.
    "No matter how misunderstood I am by villagers, I will publicize the idea of free blood donation"
    At 8:00 a.m. on June 5, the reporter of Qilu Evening News · Qilu 1:00 saw the old man in the blood collection room on the second floor of Yantai Blood Station. He was sitting on the blood donation chair with a pleasant face and a smile, and was donating blood together with the blood donation volunteers from the "Laiyang Red Love Home". They gathered together in the form of "blood donation" to celebrate Li Shengting's 17 years of unpaid blood donation. While donating blood, they talked about family affairs, and the atmosphere in the blood collection room was very warm. The leaders and staff of Yantai Blood Station also showed their gratitude to him and presented flowers.

    "On December 4, 2009, Laiyang set up the Red Loving Home. I volunteered to be the leader of the Laiyang Detachment. At first, I was the only one. After one year, the Laiyang Detachment grew from just me to 106 people. I insisted on publicizing for 2 hours a day and 300 days. I publicized everything from our own village to the surrounding villages." The old man Li Shengting told the Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point: "At the beginning of the propaganda, whether it was from our village or from a neighboring village, many people asked me, do you make a lot of money in a month for such propaganda and blood donation? Is it enough to build a new house in a year? When I heard such taunts from the villagers, I felt very unhappy and aggrieved. However, I think this is the reason why the villagers know too little about the medical knowledge and national laws of unpaid blood donation. I want to eliminate their misunderstanding and let them understand the benefits of unpaid blood donation. No matter how misunderstood I am by the villagers, I will publicize the idea of free blood donation. "
    Although he has reached the highest age for blood donation, he still hopes to continue to donate blood for free
    "Every time I receive a text message from the blood station on my mobile phone, I feel very happy when I see my blood is saving people. I feel the meaning of my life, and when I see that my blood can save others, I want to donate more blood. Although I am old, I really hope that I can continue to donate blood." The old man Li Shengting said expectantly in an interview with reporters.

    "Do you have family support for your blood donation?" the reporter asked.
    "In 2011, my wife unfortunately suffered from stroke and was paralyzed in bed and could not take care of herself. For eight years, I have to take care of my sick wife in bed, but I have never stopped promoting blood donation for free, and I have never stopped insisting on blood donation for free. My wife and my son are very supportive of me. I have discussed with my wife and we will donate the body together. In this way, our organs can save more people. It's really painful for a person to get sick. My wife and I have experienced it all these years. Once we get seriously ill, a family will be dragged down. We decide to donate our bodies, which can save more people and help more families in the future. " The old man Li Shengting said.
    From their insistence on blood donation to the couple's decision to donate their remains, they infected others with their actions and passed on their love.
    Li Shengting is a resident of the Park Community of Laiyang Chengxiang Sub district Office, and a volunteer of blood donation service for the "Red House of Love" in Yantai. Since 2003, there have been 163 blood donations in 17 years, including 7400 ml of whole blood and 275 therapeutic doses of platelets.
    Li Shengting's blood donation volume is among the best in Yantai and even in the whole province, and he is known as the "top blood donor". People in Laiyang call him "the king of blood donation". In recent years, Li Shengting has also carried out free blood donation obligation publicity at his own expense, covering urban and rural areas of Laiyang. He has been awarded "Outstanding Volunteer of Shandong Province's Voluntary Blood Donation Service", "Third Yantai Excellent Volunteer", and has won the gold medal of "National Voluntary Blood Donation Award" for five consecutive times. In 2012, he was awarded "Shandong Good Man", "2012 Lixiang Good Man", "Laiyang Excellent Volunteer", "National Free Blood Donation Service Lifetime Honor Award", and in 2019, he was awarded "National Free Blood Donation Volunteer Special Award".

    Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point reporter Lu Yan

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     Li Shengting, a good man in Laiyang, donated blood 163 times in 17 years and agreed to donate his body with his wife!  Li Shengting, a good man in Laiyang, donated blood 163 times in 17 years and agreed to donate his body with his wife!  Li Shengting, a good man in Laiyang, donated blood 163 times in 17 years and agreed to donate his body with his wife!  Li Shengting, a good man in Laiyang, donated blood 163 times in 17 years and agreed to donate his body with his wife!

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