Shuanglong Airport Boosts Graduates' Employment and Entrepreneurship

2023-08-27 05:40:44 Source: Legal Daily

[Data Map]

Since this year, Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone has closely focused on the goal and task of "strengthening talents" in 2023, and has helped the whole region to achieve phased results in talent introduction by means of guaranteeing responsibilities, building platforms, strengthening services, etc. It is reported that in order to vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening the talent zone and promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, this economic zone has included the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates into the special session of "strong talents" in the economic zone for research deployment and systematic planning, and printed and distributed the Work Plan for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates in Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone in 2023, Under the leadership of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Zone, 16 colleges and universities in the province are guaranteed. Through offline school recruitment, online live broadcasting and other ways, each responsible unit of the guarantee is responsible for formulating the work plan of "one school, one policy", establishing one-on-one contact with the college recruitment office, and providing college graduates with posts, policies, services and other information in a regular manner The inventory method promotes the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates.


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