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2022 Jiangyuan Architectural Culture Festival Held in Chunchuan City

November 21, 2022 16:56 | Source: People's Daily Online - South Korea Channel
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People's Daily, November 21 According to Jiang Yuandao, the 2022 Jiangyuan Architectural Culture Festival was successfully held in Chunchuan City Hall from November 17 to 20.

It is reported that this cultural festival is hosted by the Jiangyuandao Architects Association of the Korean Architects Association, and organized by the Chunchuan local branch of the Jiangyuandao Architects Association. With the theme of "Jiangyuan! Go there", it focuses on the space and historical value carried by buildings. During the activity, the excellent landscape architecture award and kindergarten painting contest award ceremony, architectural lectures, member works exhibition, student public works exhibition and architectural pictures exhibition were held in succession to lead the citizens to fully integrate and understand the architectural art in daily life.

Sun Changhuan, director of Jiangyuandao Construction and Transportation, said that this architectural culture festival will open a new future for Jiangyuandao architectural culture, focusing on the changes of the era of architecture and how we should respond to these changes, as well as presenting the role and scope of modern architecture. (Cheng Ankang)

Poster of 2022 Jiangyuan Architectural Culture Festival. Courtesy of Jiangyuan Road

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(Editor in charge: Shen Yuhuan, Zhou Yubo)

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