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What are the requirements for studying the flight crew specialty in 2024?

Source: Flight Attendant Professional Enrollment Network Time: 2024-05-20 08:39:39

As a discipline closely related to the aviation industry, the flight attendant specialty has always been concerned. With the rapid development of aviation industry, the requirements for flight attendants are also increasing. So, what are the requirements for studying the flight attendant specialty in 2024? below Flight Attendant Professional Enrollment Network I will give you a detailed analysis.

 What are the requirements for studying the flight crew specialty in 2024?

1、 Physical condition

The physical condition of flight attendants is very important. When selecting flight attendants, airlines usually have strict requirements on height, weight, eyesight, etc. The female height is required to be 160cm~175cm, and the male height is required to be 170cm~185cm.

In terms of weight, it needs to meet certain standards. The calculation formula is usually: weight (kg)="height (cm) - 110" ± "height (cm) - 110" × 10%.

In terms of vision requirements, the eyeball shall be free from deformation, color blindness, color weakness and squint, and the corrected vision shall be more than 1.0. In addition, it is also necessary to have no obvious scars on the face, neck and hands, and no skin diseases that can not be cured for a long time.

2、 Education and foreign language ability

In addition to physical conditions, education background and foreign language ability are also important requirements for studying the flight attendant specialty. The educational background of flight attendants generally requires high school education or above, that is, at least high school education and complete graduation certificates. In terms of foreign language ability, flight attendants need to have a certain level of English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, because the service target group on the plane is passengers from all over the world, and they may need to communicate with air traffic controllers from all over the world during the flight, and their English level should at least reach the level of speaking fluency.

3、 Quality conditions

In addition to the above two requirements, flight attendants also need to have some quality conditions. Cheerful, dignified and good at communication are essential qualities.

Flight attendants need to maintain good communication with passengers, colleagues and superiors in order to provide quality services. Good moral cultivation and good manners are also the basic requirements of flight attendants. They should have good professional ethics and ethics, and provide warm and thoughtful service for passengers. Flight attendants also need to have a firm mentality and patience, as well as make clear judgments and effective disposal in complex situations.

4、 Other conditions

In addition to the above three requirements, there are other conditions to meet. Candidates applying for the flight attendant major should be citizens of the People's Republic of China and have no criminal record. Candidates should have clear speech, fluent Mandarin, basically accurate English pronunciation, and listening ability of no less than 5 meters. Normal walking without obvious inside and outside eight characters is also a necessary condition. Flight attendants also need to take physical examination to ensure that their physical conditions meet the requirements for flight attendants.

5、 Expertise and skills

Studying the flight attendant specialty requires not only meeting the above conditions, but also mastering certain professional knowledge and skills. During the training, students will learn knowledge and skills in cultural courses, English, etiquette, psychology, safety and environmental protection, emergency response, etc. These knowledge and skills will help flight attendants better cope with various situations in work and provide high-quality services.

6、 What are the requirements for studying the flight crew specialty in 2024?

To sum up, learning the flight attendant specialty needs to meet various requirements. In addition to physical condition, educational background and foreign language ability, good quality conditions and other conditions are also required. At the same time, it is essential to master certain professional knowledge and skills. Only by fully meeting these requirements can we become an excellent flight attendant.

Students interested in the flight crew International College of Xi'an International Studies University Harbin Guangsha University School of Continuing Education of Beijing Material University Waiting for your arrival! To learn more about enrollment schools in the region, click>> Enrollment brochures of flight attendants

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