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 Employment prospects of air crew
brief introduction Introduction

The air crew major has trained a lot of flight attendants and eventually transferred them to airlines for employment. Now, the employment prospect of the air crew major is also of great concern.

What is the major of air crew?

Flight crew discipline Junior college enrollment, 3-year schooling, the full name of the employed position is "flight attendant", which refers to the staff on civil aviation aircraft and private aircraft. It is also known as "stewardess" and "empty little", which is one of the ideal jobs for young people nowadays.

Prospects of air travel industry

With the rapid development of economy and society, China's civil aviation has formed an air transport network that extends in all directions, combines trunk lines with branch lines, and connects major countries and regions in the world. According to the development plan of the country and each airline, the fleet size of each airline will be further expanded. In the next 10 years, the total demand of air transport enterprises for services and other talents will continue to show a steady growth momentum.

Employment prospects of air crew

First of all, the major of air steward is not considered as youth food. There is a lot of room for career development. Graduates can be promoted from ordinary class to first class on domestic routes, and then enter international routes. From the perspective of their positions, they can start with stewards, and gradually promote to purser, chief purser, etc. Or transfer to internal service post until retirement. It can be divided into four stages: ordinary class steward, two class steward, regional steward and chief steward.

The country has made great efforts to develop vocational education. Many vocational schools have air service majors that are run jointly by schools and enterprises. Students can sign employment agreements when they enroll, so that their future employment can be guaranteed.

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